; Local Lens: 2024 photography competition - City of Wanneroo

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Online forms: Local Lens: 2024 photography competition

This form has 3 pages

Please read through the competition terms and conditions below

Photography Competition 2024 - Terms and Conditions

  1. The promoter is the City of Wanneroo ("Promoter") - Australian Business Number 64 295 981 165.
  2. Entries and information on how to enter form part of these Terms and Conditions.
  3. Participation in this Competition constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
  4. The Competition commences Friday 30 August 2024 and ends Friday 4 October 2024 ("Competition Period").
  5. Entrants using images containing people, including children, must provide a model release form for each person to be eligible. The model release form(s) must be provided in order to have images used for the purpose of the competition and subsequently by the City of Wanneroo. Model release forms for children must be signed by a parent or guardian. Model release forms are to be submitted for each entry.
  6. Photographs must be taken within the City of Wanneroo.
  7. Photographs must be original and photographed by the entrant and not infringe any party’s intellectual property rights.
  8. Elected Members, officers and employees of the City of Wanneroo and their immediate families are welcome to enter the competition.
  9. Competition entries will give the City of Wanneroo perpetual rights and automatic ownership of images that may be used in other promotional materials, with and without credit.
  10. Where possible, entrants will be credited with the photographs when they are used, however this is not guaranteed.
  11. The City reserves the right to use the photographs for various media formats including, but not limited to advertisements, print media, websites and for exhibition purposes.
  12. The City of Wanneroo has no liability, in negligence or howsoever, for any accident, loss, illness, injury, damage, or inconvenience suffered by you or any individual or property arising out of or after entering the competition or collecting and using the prize.

Model release form