Community engagement has now closed. Comments were submitted from 24/05/2022 to 16/06/2022.
The Minister for Planning approved Amendment No. 197 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 and the Amendment was published in the government gazette on 16 December 2022 and took effect from that date.
Planning and Development Act 2005
Local Planning Scheme Amendment Available for Inspection
City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme No. 2 - Amendment No. 197
At its 7 December 2021 Meeting, the City’s Council resolved to prepare Amendment No. 197 to the City’s District Planning Scheme No. 2 (DPS 2), and provide Amendment No. 197 to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for its assessment and subsequent determination by the Minister for Planning (Minister).
Amendment No. 197 proposes that zoning and residential density controls that currently apply over much of the area affected by Lot 12 Jindalee Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 36 (ASP 36) and Lot 501 Two Rocks Road, Two Rocks Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 48 (ASP 48) will be transferred out of those structure plans, and placed into DPS 2.
The Minister has considered Amendment No. 197 to DPS 2, and has directed that it be advertised to the owners of undeveloped residential lots within ASP 36, which are affected by the amendment. The Minister’s decision was made in consideration of the affected landowners no longer being able to apply R-Code variations, which are contained in Table A of ASP 36.
This means that should Amendment No. 197 to DPS 2 be approved, some single house building standards which you may not need development approval for currently under ASP 36 (lesser front setbacks and greater site coverage), may require development approval in the future.
Consistent with the Minister’s direction, the City is advertising Amendment No. 197 to DPS 2 for a period of 21 days, concluding on 16 June 2022. Following the advertising, Amendment No. 197 to DPS 2 (and the submissions received) will be referred back to the WAPC for further assessment and final determination by the Minister.
To Comment
Please note that for your feedback to be considered, your full contact details must be provided. This information will be treated as confidential and will not be published or linked to your comments in any public report on the outcomes of the consultation. The City will advise you of the progress of this proposal using the details you provide.
- Name: Josh Coppola - quote ref: 42952
- Email: Please use Online Submission Form above
- Telephone: 9405 5474