Community engagement has now closed. Comments were submitted from 27/11/2023 to 15/12/2023.
Proposed Telecommunications
Infrastructure – Phone Tower at Lot 991 (127) The Broadview, Landsdale (DA2023/1139)
The abovementioned development application is currently being advertised for public comment until 15 December 2023.
The application proposes a telecommunications facility incorporating the following:
- A monopole telecommunications tower located in the northwest corner of the carpark setback 36m from the western boundary and 13m from the northern boundary. The nearest residential property is located 36m to the west of the proposed development site;
- A 28.65m monopole tower structure including fifteen (15) panel antennas on a triangular headframe is proposed;
- A 6m x 6.5m compound housing the equipment cabinet located behind the western side of the shopping centre; and
- Installation of underground cabling and ancillary equipment including remote radio units, underground conduits and antenna mounts.
To Comment
Submit your
comments on this planning proposal using the online form below. You
can attach additional information (plan, diagrams, photographs etc) via this
Please note
that for your feedback to be considered, your full contact details must be
provided. This information will be treated as confidential and will not be
published or linked to your comments in any public report on the outcomes of
the consultation. The City will advise you of the progress of this
proposal using the details you provide.
Online Submission Form
the conclusion of the consultation period the application will then proceed to
be determined by the City's Administration
- Name: Aaron Jones - quote ref: DA2023/1139
- Email: Please submit your submission via the Online Submission Form above
- Telephone: 9405 5873