; Wanneroo Jobs Summit Presentations - City of Wanneroo

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Wanneroo Jobs Summit Presentations

Adam Beck Smart Cities Presentation - Wanneroo Jobs Summit 2016

  • File type: PDF
  • Size: 6.46 MB

Megatrend - Wanneroo Jobs Summit 2016

  • File type: PDF
  • Size: 2.81 MB

Professor Robert Cervero - Wanneroo Jobs Summit 2016

  • File type: PDF
  • Size: 11.43 MB

Wanneroo Labour Market - Peter Kramer, Department of Employment

  • File type: PDF
  • Size: 793.93 KB

Wanneroo Jobs Summit Next Steps - What’s Happened & Where To From Here

  • File type: PDF
  • Size: 5.75 MB