; Wanneroo Liveability Survey - City of Wanneroo

Wanneroo Liveability Survey

The Wanneroo Liveability Survey was conducted by Placescore from 26 March to 30 July 2023 via email, City communications such as the What's Happening magazine, social media and face-to-face surveying.

The survey comprised two parts: the 'Care Factor' aspect, which captured the attributes our community values in relation to five themes (Look and Function, Sense of Welcome, Things to do, Uniqueness, Care), and the Place Experience Assessment, which captured how our community rated each of the 50 attributes used in the survey.

Together, these two parts have helped the City identify what is important to our community, how a place is performing and what the focus of any change should be.

Wanneroo Liveability Survey Baseline Report 2023

The Wanneroo Liveability Survey Baseline Report includes high-level insights regarding survey demographics, community values, place experience, five top and bottom attributes, liveability priorities and Strategic Community Plan performance.

Wanneroo Liveability Survey Baseline Report 2023