; Development Assessment Panel (DAP) - Development Assessment Panel - City of Wanneroo

Development Assessment Panel

Development Assessment Panel (DAP)

In 2010/2011 the State Government introduced various legislation that established the operational framework for Development Assessment Panels (DAPs) in Western Australia, DAPs came into effect on 1 July 2011.

A Development Assessment Panel (DAP) is an independent decision-making body that determines certain development applications in place of previous decision makers, such as the local government authority and/or the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). Each DAP consisists of five members, comprising three specialist members and two local government councillors appointed by the Minister for Planning.

Local councils are required to assess DAP applications by preparing reports recommending to either approve or refuse an application, including any conditions to be imposed where approval is recommended. Ultimately, though, the DAP is the decision maker and is responsible for determining the application and imposing any conditions. Councils have no right of appeal against DAP decisions.

The City of Wanneroo falls under the Metro Outer Development Assessment Panel.

Types of DAP Applications

There are two types of DAP applications:

  • Opt-in applications: and
  • applications to amend or cancel DAP determined applications.

Opt-in applications

The applicant may choose to use the DAP process or have their application determined by the City of Wanneroo (and/ or the WAPC, if applicable).

Opt-in applications apply to proposed development that has an estimated construction cost between $2 million and $20 million in value or includes community housing that is to be provided by a registered community housing provider.

Excluded Applications

Under Development Assessment Panel (DAP) regulations, development applications relating to the following classes of development are "excluded development applications".  These applications will not be able to be determined by a DAP:

  • Construction of a single house and any associated carport, patio, outbuilding and incidental development;
  • A public work;
  • Development wholly within an area identified as a regional reserve under a region planning scheme;
  • Development in an improvement scheme area; or
  • A development application made under Part 11B or 17 of the Act (Significant Development Pathway).

All Development Assessment Panel applications will still be lodged with the local government and assessed by the local government and/or the WAPC. Following assessment, a report from the responsible authority will be forwarded to the DAP secretariat, with recommendations for consideration when determining the application at a DAP meeting.

Amend or cancelled applications

There may be occasions where the DAP development approval which was granted will need to be amended in some ways. For instance, following approval of a DAP application, an application may be made to the DAP seeking to :

  • extend the period in which the development has to be substantially commenced
  • amend or delete a condition of development
  • amend an aspect of the development, in a manner which does not substantially alter the development that was approved, or
  • cancel the approval.

Lodging a DAP Application

It is highly recommended that proponents contact the City’s Planning Administration team on 9405 5000 to arrange a pre-lodgement meeting prior to submitting a DAP application.

All DAP applications are required to be presented to the City’s Design Review Panel (DRP) prior to lodgement in accordance with Local Planning Policy 4.23 Design Review Panel. Proponents are encouraged to contact the City prior to lodgement to discuss the DRP requirements.

DAP Applications (Form 1)

The following information is required to be submitted to the City:

  • Complete City of Wanneroo Application for Development Approval;
  • Complete Development Assessment Panel (DAP) Form 1 (Hardcopy);
  • Complete Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) Form 1 (Hardcopy);
  • Cover Letter/Report outlining proposal and justifying any variations;
  • A table addressing design review panel (DRP) comments for any applications presented to the City’s DRP prior to lodgement in accordance with Local Planning Policy 4.23 Design Review Panel;
  • City of Wanneroo Development Application Fee (Refer to the City of Wanneroo Planning Fee Schedule);
  • Development Assessment Panel Application Fee (Refer to the City of Wanneroo Planning Fee Schedule);
  • Development plans - appropriately scaled site plans, floorplans and elevation plans;
  • Landscaping plans; detailing the minimum 8% landscaping and specifies list; 
  • Verge treatments;
  • Stormwater Information; including the location and number of soakwells, and the provision of stormwater calculations to demonstrate that onsite stormwater storage can accommodate 1 in 100 ARI, as per the City's Development Design Specification WD5;
  • BAL assessment; a bushfire attack level (BAL) Assessment is required if the site is located in a Bushfire Prone Area and is not subject to a Bushfire Management Plan with a BAL Contour Map;
  • Acoustic Report; if the development is likely to impact on adjoining/nearby residential areas as a result of noise generated from the proposal; and If the development will be impacted by road or rail in accordance with SPP 5.4; 
  • Traffic assessment in accordance with WAPC's Transport Assessment Guidelines (Volume 4, Appendix A); and
  • One electronic set (USB or CD) of the full application - all files are to be in PDF format.  A hardcopy application is optional, but all forms are to be provided in hardcopy. 

A Transport Impact Statement (TIS) is required where a development will generate between 10 and 100 vehicle trips in the peak hour; and A Transport Impact Assessment (TIA) is required where a development will generate more than 100 vehicle trips in the peak hour. (Specifically including daily and peak traffic volumes)

Checklist for individual development transport impact statement

Checklist for individual development transport impact assessment

All information is to be submitted at the time of formal lodgement. If the information has not been provided or is not satisfactory, the City will within 7 days upon receipt of the application, request for further information or documents prior to the application being accepted in accordance with Clause 63A of the Deemed Provisions in Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. The application will only be formally accepted and forwarded to the DAP once all the required information is provided.

You may lodge your application online together with all of the required information to jdap@wanneroo.wa.gov.au.   The City will review the application and send an invoice for payment should the information be sufficient.  Once the Fee is paid, the application is taken to be accepted for assessment.   

Any applications which are submitted to the above email address, will need to be titled correctly as:  DAP APPLICATION (FORM 1 OR 2) - SUBJECT - ADDRESS.  

Amending or Cancelling a DAP Determination (Form 2)

The following information is required to be submitted to the City:

  • Complete City of Wanneroo Application for Development Approval
  • Complete Development Assessment Panel (DAP) Form 2;
  • Complete Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) Form 1;
  • Cover Letter/written justifications outlining;
    • The reason/s in support of extending or cancelling the approval period and/or
    • The reason/s in support of the condition/s to be amended or deleted.
  • For applications to amend an aspect of the development which was approved, an electronic version of the date stamped revised/amended plans and supporting documentation which clearly identify the proposed changes.
  • City of Wanneroo Development Application Fee (Refer to the City of Wanneroo Planning Fee Schedule)
  • Development Assessment Panel Application Fee (Refer to the City of Wanneroo Planning Fee Schedule)

DAP Form 2

DAP Related Documents

Current Development Assessment Panel Applications

DA2024/414– Form 1 – Service Statino, Motor Vehicle Wash and Fast Food Outlet 
Lot 395 (1) Peony Boulevard, Yanchep
Currently being assessed by Rhiannon McQuillan

DA2024/886 – Form 1 – Mixed Use Development comprising a Childcare Centre & Showroom 
Lot 3124 (6) Sunderland Crescent, Butler 
Currently being assessed by Raelee Houden

DA2024/756 - Form 1 – Showroom Dealership Renovations & Storage
Lot 50 (2) Baretta Road, Wangara
Currently being assessed by Ahmed Naser 

A Metro Outer DAP meeting has been scheduled on 24 October 2024 at 1pm at the Department of Planning, Lands & Heritage (140 William Street, Perth).  Members of the Public are welcome to attend.  
A link to view the meeting will  be placed on the DAP Agenda here prior to the meeting being held.

DA2024/1194- Form 1 – Neighbourhood Centre
Lot 3128 (1K) Expedition Drive, Clarkson
Currently being assessed by Aaron Jones 

DA2024/1241 - Form 1 – Service Station with associated retail outlet, servicing, landscaping and signage
Lot 402 (986) Wanneroo Road, Wanneroo
Currently being assessed by Ahmed Naser

DA2024/1405 - Form 1 – Retail Development (Supermarket, Specialty Retail, Liquor and Cafe)
Lot 9002 (2009K) Marmion Avenue, Eglinton 
Currently being assessed by Daniel Sheahan


The Metro Outer Development Assessment Panel agendas and minutes can be viewed from the Development Assessment Panels website.

Note: Any development application determined prior to 27 April 2020 was determined by the Metro North-West Joint Development Assessment Panel. View all agendas and minutes relating to this panel.

For further information please contact the City on 9405 5000 or visit the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.