; Bushfire 2023 - Frequently Asked Questions - Mariginiup bushfire information - City of Wanneroo

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Mariginiup bushfire information

Bushfire 2023 - Frequently Asked Questions

On this page:

Bushfire updates 

What is the latest update on the fire?

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services has officially closed the Mariginiup bushfire incident. Any future incidents in the area will be treated as separate incidents.

The City will continue to support those impacted through the recovery phase.


How can I keep informed about when a Harvest, Hot Works, Vehicle Movement or Total Fire Ban is declared?

The City of Wanneroo offers a complimentary SMS notification service to residents when a Harvest, Hot Works, Vehicle Movement or Total Fire Ban is declared. To subscribe to this service, visit wanneroo.wa.gov.au/emergencysmsnotifications.


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Recovery and clean up

What do I do if I have fire damaged trees on my property?

Please contact the City on (08) 9405 5600 to report fire damaged trees within 20 metres of a residential building or along a primary point of access (driveway) that you believe may pose an imminent risk to people.

The City will discuss the criteria for a City to inspect the tree. If your property is deemed to meet the criteria, arrangements will be made for the affected tree/trees to be inspected in the first instance.


What do I do if I see injured wildlife?

The Department of Biodiversity, Conversation and Attractions (DBCA) Parks and Wildlife Service runs the Wildcare Helpline, which provides a service for members of the public who find sick or injured native wildlife and are seeking advice on where to find care for the animal.

Advice on helping wildlife during bushfires is available on the DBCA website and you can call the Wildcare Helpline on (08) 9474 9055.

The wildlife volunteers who answer your call will be able to put you in touch with your nearest registered wildlife rehabilitator, wherever you are in Western Australia.


I want to clear my bushfire affected land or clear my land to mitigate future fires. What steps do I need to take?

For any queries about the clearing of native vegetation, including whether any exemptions apply, please email the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation at info@dwer.wa.gov.au or call 6364 7098

A guide to the exemptions and regulations for clearing native vegetation is available at wa.gov.au.


I lost my passport in the fire. How do I get a letter to give the passport office to confirm this?

Please call the City on (08) 9405 5600 to be connected to a member of the Community Recovery team and request a letter for a lost passport. 

Alternatively, email a request for a letter for a lost passport to mariginiuprecovery@wanneroo.wa.gov.au.


How do I get a copy of the Mariginiup Fire incident report for insurance purposes?

Please send your request to the Department of Fire and Emergency Services via their website. DFES advise the approximate turnaround time is currently three weeks.


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Planning and building

Do I need a Building Permit to rebuild or repair my house or shed that was damaged or burned down in the recent bushfire event?

A Building Permit is required for all building works as defined in the Building Act 2011. Please note, some remedial works may fall under the exemptions listed in Schedule 4 (item 2) of the Building Regulations.

Please contact the City’s Building Services department to discuss your situation (08) 9405 5000.


Do I need planning approval to have a caravan or temporary accommodation on my lot where my main residence has been damaged or burned down and is no longer habitable?

No, the City will accept temporary accommodation for those affected by the Mariginiup bushfires as temporary works and allow use on the lot for up to two years without the need for planning approval under the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 Schedule 2 Cl. 61 (1) and (2).

You are required to request this exemption in writing with proof of damage to your main residence which results in it being non-habitable. Please submit your request to approvals@wanneroo.wa.gov.au.


Do I need to pay fees to submit applications to demolish, rebuild or repair my home or structures or remove vegetation that was damaged in the bushfire?

The City intends to waive the applicable fees associated with the above applications. Please email all applications along with a fee exemption request and proof of damage to mariginiuprecovery@wanneroo.wa.gov.au and a member of the Approvals team will contact you.

Please note: The City can only waive fees we administer. We cannot waive fees charged by external parties, such as the Construction Training Fund or Building Services Levy.


Do I need a Demolition Permit to remove my damaged building or shed as a result of the recent bushfire event?

A Demolition Permit is required for demolition and removal of a building (or shed over 40m2) that has been destroyed.  

A Demolition Permit is generally not required for remedial work as any demolition work can be completed as part of the standard Building Permit process.

Please contact the City’s Building Services department to discuss your situation (08) 9405 5000.


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Support services

How can I access emotional support?

For details of support services available, see the Mariginiup bushfire information recovery booklet. This booklet is also available in Vietnamese.


What financial support services are available?

For details of financial support available for those impacted, see the Mariginiup bushfire information recovery booklet. This booklet is also available in Vietnamese.


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Health and safety

My water supply was impacted by the bushfire. Who do I contact?

Residential and business customers who have been impacted by the Mariginiup bushfire have access to additional financial relief and additional support as part of a Water Corporation assistance package until November 2024.

For details, visit the Water Corporation website or phone 13 13 85 (open Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm).


How can I get rid of the smoke that is still in my home?

When you know the air quality is safe, open doors and windows to aerate your home. Wash hard surfaces (furniture, walls and floors) and indoor surfaces with mild soap or detergent and water.

There could be range of reasons why smoke remains. If you have concerns, please contact the City’s Health Services team on (08) 9405 5000.


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Waste Services

How do I order replacements for bins damaged in the fire?

Contact the City on (08) 9405 5000 to arrange for them to be replaced free of charge.


I am staying with a host family. Can we have extra bins to deal with excess waste?

If you have been displaced from your home and are staying with a host family within the City of Wanneroo, we can provide temporary additional general waste and recycling bins free of charge. Additional bins will be removed when you have secured more permanent accommodation.

Call the City’s Waste Services team on (08) 9405 5000 to request temporary additional bins.


How do I dispose of problematic waste items such as gas cylinders, batteries, e-waste and asbestos?

The City of Wanneroo’s waste collection trucks can’t collect items on the list below, however alternative disposal options are available to you:

We cannot collect

Disposal options

Flammable liquids and gas cylinders

Free disposal at Tamala Park. Maximum 20L or 20kg per day. Containers MUST be labelled and sealed, preferably with a tight-fitting lid.

Items from buildings containing asbestos may be contaminated. Please do not enter or remove items from these buildings

Paint, chemicals, oils, pesticides, etc

Batteries, e-waste and other hazardous items

Any liquids

The City does not manage liquid waste disposal outside the categories listed above. Septic, grease trap and other wastewater needs to be removed from your property by a licenced vehicle. The nearest dump point for caravans is Kingsway Tourist Park.

Agricultural waste

The City is currently working to arrange the safe dispose of agricultural and veterinarian chemicals.

Empty and clean drums can be taken to Tamala Park as part of the DRUMmuster program.

Asbestos containing products

Limited quantities (maximum 165kg) free for disposal at Tamala Park every Sunday. Further information at www.mrc.wa.gov.au/asbestos.aspx 

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