; Work Health Safety - Induction for Contractors - City of Wanneroo

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Work Health Safety - Induction for Contractors

It is mandatory for all contractors working for the City of Wanneroo to complete this online WSH Induction. Once completed it will automatically register and certify the contractor to conduct work for a period of 2 years from date of completion for the City of Wanneroo.

Induction Requirements

Contractors are required to complete the City Online WHS Contractor Induction prior to commencing work on any City worksite. An onsite induction of the workplace in which works will take place must also be undertaken. All sub-contractors working for and on behalf of the main Contractor must be safety inducted by the main contractor prior to starting work on the worksite. Records of induction must be maintained and available upon request.

Risk Management

All Contractors engaged by the City are required to implement (and be able to provide evidence onsite) effective risk management appropriate to the work being undertaken. This evidence may include risk assessments, workplace inspections and pre-start checklists or similar depending on the scope of works. Where the work activity requires a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS), no other evidence shall be accepted.

Legal Obligations

The Contractor must comply with, and ensure that its workers and sub-contractors comply with: • The applicable legislation, which is currently the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 and Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022; and • All relevant Codes of Practice, Guidance Notes and Australian Standards.

Reporting and Notifications

The Contract Superintendent is required to be notified by the contractor by the quickest possible means where a worksite incident causes injury or harm to any person; or damage to equipment i.e. contract or City employee, City or private property, member of the public, any plant, or any environmental damage in, on or around the City worksite. The Contract Superintendent is required to be notified verbally in the first instance by the contractor in every case of a notifiable or serious incident. The contractor must then report the incident in writing within 24 hours.

Licences and Qualifications

Contractors must ensure that any task requiring a certificate of competency, qualification, or licence is allocated to a person or persons who can clearly identify themselves as having such certificate of competency, qualification or licence necessary to perform the task. If mobile plant is to be used, it must have current registration licence or certificate from the relevant West Australian Government authority where required.

Onsite Evidence and Auditing

The City will conduct worksite performance reviews periodically. The City will be verifying the contractors WHS compliance by auditing the contractors WHS systems application onsite. This may include cross checking with the evidence supplied by the Contractor as part of the original submission for the works. The Contractor will be required to provide evidence to substantiate application of onsite safety systems.

Public Safety

During all Contractor Activities, maintenance of a safe workplace is required at all times. Much of the contracted works undertaken on behalf of the City is in a public location, and the safety of members of public and all other persons must be maintained without exception. Examples of public safety expectations include provision of appropriate traffic and pedestrian management by a licenced and competent person, and installation of physical barriers to prevent public access (use of cones is a visual control only and is not accepted as a physical barrier).

Begin the Work Health Safety - Induction for Contractors form