; Badgerup Lake - Equestrian Use - City of Wanneroo

Rates information 2024/25

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Badgerup Lake - Equestrian Use

General Information

Due to the increased environmental and infrastructure damage and in accordance with State Planning Policy 2.8 ‘Bushland Policy for the Perth Metropolitan Region’ (SPP 2.8) and the City’s Local Law (Section 26(2) of the City of Wanneroo’s Animals Local Law 1999) Council considered equestrian use and recreation at Badgerup Lake Reserve, Wanneroo at its meeting held on 2 February 2016. Council resolution is as follows:

  1. ACKNOWLEDGES that equestrian use is prohibited within the boundaries of Lake Badgerup Conservation Reserve and all City reserves and foreshores, unless specifically set aside for that purpose in accordance with the City’s Local Law (Section 26(2) of the City of Wanneroo’s Animals Local Law 1999);
  2. NOTES that the proposed installation of fencing and gates will be accommodated within the 2015/2016 Capital Works Budget, PR 2088 - Badgerup Lake (Environmental Offset requirement); and 
  3. ADVISE the surrounding community and residents of the exclusion of equestrian use within the boundaries of Lake Badgerup Reserve accordingly.

The Council Report and resolution is available for viewing below.

Council Report

Council Resolution

Notification Period

To ensure all residents are adequately informed of the restriction signs will be placed around Badgerup Lake and letters have been delivered to surrounding residents. The notification period will commence on Tuesday 15th March 2016 and continue for four weeks, concluding on Friday 15th April 2016. After Friday 15th April 2016, full restrictions will be in place and any equestrian use within the restricted area can be infringed $100 per offence.

The installation of fencing and gates to the restricted area will commence during the week starting Monday 14th March 2016.

Areas Permissible for Horse Access

To ensure continued access to the Wanneroo Horse and Pony Club, the existing horse access gates at Badgerup Road, Grisker Road and Benmuni Road will be maintained. The abovementioned restrictions do not apply to this area (see ‘Aerial View’ map below).

Aerial View - Lake Badgerup Equestrian Use

Background Details

Badgerup Lake Reserve contains a 15 hectare environmental offset site which meets the requirements of State and Federal Government environmental approvals for various major road projects within the City.  The approved environmental offset proposal included the transfer of 56.6 hectares of land from the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) to Crown Land with a management order to the City for the purpose of ‘Conservation and Passive Recreation’. Rehabilitation works required under these approvals commenced in 2010 and actively continue within the reserve.

In September 2010, Parliament approved ‘MRS Amendment 1082/33 – Bush Forever and Related Lands’ which changed Badgerup Lake Reserve to a Bush Forever area and provided Regional Reserve zoning under the Metropolitan Regional Scheme (MRS). The Regional Reserve status under the MRS and the Bush Forever status secure the long-term protection of biodiversity and associated environmental values within Badgerup Lake Reserve for many generations to come. 

Department of Planning (DoP) has advised the City that equestrian recreation activity within the Reserve is in conflict with the Reserve’s Bush Forever status (Bush Forever Site # 327). DoP advised that passive recreation pursuits such as bush walking (on designated paths) and dog walking (on leashes) are acceptable activities within a Bush Forever area. However the use of Bush Forever areas for equestrian recreation is not supported and is also inconsistent with the ‘Conservation and Passive Recreation’ Management Order and State Planning Policy 2.8 – ‘Bushland Policy for the Perth Metropolitan Region’ (SPP 2.8) for the reasons that the horses within conservation areas have the potential to trample vegetation, spread weeds/diseases throughout an environmental area and that equestrian use is deemed to be an ‘active recreation’ activity and not a ‘passive recreation’ activity.

In addition to the above, permitting equestrian recreation within Badgerup Lake Reserve is in conflict with the City of Wanneroo Animals Local Law 1999 Section 26(2), which states;

‘…a person shall not ride, drive or bring a horse onto any reserve or foreshore or any part thereof that has not been set aside for that purpose…’.

A person found within any City reserve or foreshore can be fined an infringement value of $100.00 for non-compliance with the above Local Law.

Further details are contained within the Council Report (above) however please see the FAQ document below for additional information.

Lake Badgerup - Equestrian Use FAQs