; The ASEAN Business Environment – 30 August 2018 - City of Wanneroo

The ASEAN Business Environment – 30 August 2018

Australia's economic and security interests remain inextricably linked with the countries of Southeast Asia. In less than two decades, the Association of Southeast Asian Nation's (ASEAN) combined GDP has more than doubled, accompanied by rapid growth in consumer spending, urbanisation and internet penetration. This places ASEAN as the number 3 economy in Asia, behind only China and Japan, and the 7th largest economy in the world.

With the rapid growth of the ASEAN middle-class and urbanisation, Australia has much to offer this dynamic region and now is the time for Australian businesses to focus on our nearest neighbours and capitalise on the opportunity this region offers.

The City of Wanneroo in collaboration with Pitcher Partners hosted the ‘The ASEAN Business Environment’ Breakfast on 30 August 2018 overviewing ASEAN markets and focusing on specific supply chain issues for export/import businesses that operate in the City of Wanneroo.
