About the Wanneroo Community History Centre
Wanneroo's Community History Centre is located in the Wanneroo Regional Museum, with an extensive collection on the history and heritage of Wanneroo. The collection includes books, pamphlets, images, maps, oral history interviews, archive material and newspapers.
Our virtual catalogues mean you can also look through our extensive collection from home using the online library catalogue, simply use the search bar at the top of the catalogue page.
Trace your family tree
The Community History Centre is here to assist with requests for information on the history of the Wanneroo area, as well as family history, and our Trace Your Family Tree program. Contact the Centre by clicking below and completing our online form.
Community History request for information
If you only want to find images
- Go to the Library Catalogue website.
- Go to the 'All resources' drop-down menu in the top-right corner and select 'Picture Wanneroo'.
- Click into the 'Search by keyword' area, enter your key search word and then click on the magnifying glass icon.
If you want to look through all history resources
- Go to the Library Catalogue website.
- Click into the 'Search by keyword' area (ensuring that 'All resources' is displayed in the drop-down menu), enter your key search word and then click on the magnifying glass icon.
Members of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori Communities are advised that the catalogue may include images or names of people now deceased.
Images may be subject to copyright and/or special conditions. To reproduce images, contact the Community History Centre on 9405 5925.
City of Wanneroo library catalogue
As a developing collection, the Community History Centre welcomes public donations* of items related to the history of Wanneroo.
*donations subject to Eligibility Criteria