; Clarkson Youth Hub - City of Wanneroo

Payment Timeout Issue - Monday 17 February 2025

Some City payments are currently unavailable due to a system issue. Customers attempting to pay for applications or forms may encounter timeouts. We're working with our provider to resolve this.


Clarkson Youth Hub

Signage for Clarkson Youth Hub

The Clarkson Youth Hub has been designed as a welcoming space for young people to connect and access valuable services and programs.


Address: 59 Key Largo Drive, Clarkson

Opening hours

City of Wanneroo Drop-in

These drop-in sessions are run during school terms by experienced youth workers. Young people are welcome to drop-in and join/leave the activities at any time.

Winter (Terms 2 and 3)

  • Wednesday // 3pm to 6pm
  • Thursday // 3:30pm to 7pm
  • Friday // 3pm to 6pm

Summer (Terms 1 and 4)

  • Wednesday // 3:30pm to 6:30pm
  • Thursday // 4pm to 7:30pm
  • Friday // 3:30pm to 6:30pm 

Hire opportunities for youth services or organisations

The City is excited to welcome applications from youth organisations and groups interested in joining us at Clarkson Youth Hub to create a vibrant and connected community space for young people. Please find below a link to some information about the spaces available for hire and the types of events, workshops, programs and services we’re seeking to join us in this space.

Application process

  1. Read through Clarkson Youth Hub – Information for Prospective Hirers to understand Clarkson's vision, as you will need to explain in your application how your program, event, or workshop aligns with it.
  2. Call Childhood and Youth Development Planning on (08) 9405 5600 to discuss your service/program/event/workshop.
  3. Submit your online Expression of Interest form.
  4. If successful, you will be referred to the City’s Facility booking team to finalise your booking.
  5. Once your booking agreement has been finalised, an induction and swipe card access will be arranged.