; Neerabup Industrial Area Development Project - City of Wanneroo

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Neerabup Industrial Area Development Project

The development of the Neerabup Industrial Area (NIA) has been a key strategic priority for the City of Wanneroo for a number of years. The City and state government own a majority of the developable land in the NIA, which will provide economic growth opportunities and local employment.

The City of Wanneroo Council at its Ordinary Council Meeting on 18 August 2015 noted the recommendations contained within the Order of Magnitude Business Plan and agreed to proceed with the development of the City of Wanneroo’s landholdings within the Neerabup Industrial Area, namely Lot 9000 (now Lot 9100), Lot 9003 and Lot 600.

Lot 9003 contains sand and limestone resources that require extraction in order to lower the ground levels to match the contour levels required under Structure Plan No. 17 Amendment 4. It will take approximately 15 years, over 5 stages to fully extract the resources and reduce the ground to the required levels. Land release will commence for industrial subdivision development following the completion of each stage.

The City of Wanneroo has engaged Urban Resources Pty Ltd to carry out its extractions works within the industrial area. 

For further information on the environmental management plan click below:

Neerabup Management Plans

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the City clearing the native vegetation and trees?

The land is zoned for general industrial use, the vegetation and trees require clearing so that the land can be developed for industrial business use.


Why is the City extracting the sand and limestone from the site?

The land is zoned for general industrial use, however the ground levels must be reduced before the site can be developed for industrial business use.


Why is the City developing the site for industrial business use?

The development of the NIA is a key strategic priority for the City with the site poised to provide long-term economic growth opportunities through job creation.


Does the City have approval to clear the vegetation from this site?

Yes, the City has both Federal and State environmental approvals.


Why will the extraction of the sand and limestone take 15 years?

There is approximately 6.6 million m³ of sand and limestone to remove. It is estimated that it will take 15 years to excavate and sell the resource.


How much revenue will the City earn from the sale of the extracted limestone and sand?

It is forecasted that the cost to remove the resource will be the same as the revenue received from the sale.


Will there be any impact from vehicles using roads in the NIA?

The City has developed a Traffic Management Plan which the Contractor is required to follow and while there will be more vehicles in the area, it is unlikely there’ll be any significant impact on traffic in Mather Drive, Flynn Drive, Pederick Road and Old Yanchep Road.


What are the contractor’s operating hours?

Monday to Saturday 6am - 6pm.


What will the City do with the land after the resource extraction is complete?

The site will become an industrial area for future businesses.


What measures are in place to ensure the surrounding areas are not impacted by the works?

The Contractor must comply with conditions of the Development Approval and Extraction Industries Licence. This includes dust, noise, mud and environmental requirements. The contractor must comply with its contract obligations and its Environmental Management Plan and Project Management Plan which have been approved by the City. The works will be closely monitored by the City’s project team to ensure the contractor complies with all requirements.