; Notice of Cessation - City of Wanneroo

Rates information 2024/25

Rates notices for 2024/25 will be issued in late August. More information


Online forms: Notice of Cessation

What is a Notice of Cessation?

The builder or demolition contractor nominated on a Building or Demolition Permit may, before the completion of the works for which the permit was granted, formally advise the City that they are no longer the Responsible Person for the works by submitting a BA8 - Notice of Cessation form to the City. This protects the person whose contract is terminated or who is unable to complete the building or demolition work.

The responsible person must:

  • submit this notice to the relevant permit authority; and
  • within seven days of giving this notice to the relevant permit authority, provide a copy of the owner of building or incidental structure to which the permit applies.  Copies of the test or inspections certificates, as detailed, do not need to be given to the owner.