‘WasteSorted – Talking My Language’ is a multilingual educational toolkit developed to overcome the difficulties experienced by culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) demographics in understanding waste services information due to language and literacy barriers.
Suitable for both adults and children, the toolkit is designed for use with small groups to help them better understand how to sort waste correctly. It has been launched to coincide with the City’s introduction of the new Three Bin System in which most residents now have an additional kerbside bin for garden organic waste.
Contained within a handy carry bag, the toolkit includes waste sorting cards, three mini bins, a ‘Sorting Your Waste’ flyer, and an activity sheet. Through a series of games, puzzles and quizzes, participants are challenged to correctly identify common household items and their English translation, before sorting them into one of three mini bins that mirror those at home.
The toolkit is available in ten different languages including Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, French, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Macedonian, Simplified Chinese/ Mandarin, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. A non-translated version is also available for verbal translation into other languages.
Toolkits are available for loan from City libraries. Alternatively, community leaders or local schools may request use of the ‘Waste Sorted – Talking My Language’ toolkit by emailing enquiries@wanneroo.wa.gov.au.
As an extension of these activities, the City has also produced an updated Waste Services Guide which has been translated into ten languages to assist residents from CaLD backgrounds.
The WasteSorted – Talking My Language project is funded by the State Government through the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Account, and administered by the Waste Authority.