; What approvals do I need? - Shed (also referred to as an Outbuilding) - City of Wanneroo

What approvals do I need? - Shed (also referred to as an Outbuilding)

Description An enclosed non-habitable structure that is detached from any dwelling, but not a garage.
Do I need approval?

Planning Approval (also referred to as Development Approval) is only exempt from requiring approval where it is in a Residential zone. Where planning approval is required, it must be obtained prior to a building permit being issued.

A Building Permit is required for outbuildings great than 10m². One outbuilding less than 10m² and under 2.4m in height is permitted without Council approval.

What do I need to submit?


Please refer to the City's DA Checklist - Residential Additions for a complete list of the information required to apply for planning approval.


Please refer to the City's Outbuildings Information Sheet for a complete list of the information required to apply for a building permit.

If your structure has already been constructed without prior approvals and/or permits, please refer to our Unauthorised Works page which includes a separate application checklist.

Fees & Lodgement


Please refer to the below page for further information regarding application fees.

Planning and Building Application Fees


The City's preferred method for submitting Planning and Building applications is online. Please refer to the below links to lodge an application.

Online Planning Forms

Online Building Forms

Do not hesitate to contact the City on 9405 5000 if you have any queries prior to lodgement.