; Annual Review of the East Wanneroo Cells 1-9 Cost Sharing Arrangements (2023-2024) | City of Wanneroo

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Annual Review of the East Wanneroo Cells 1-9 Cost Sharing Arrangements (2023-2024)

Community engagement has now closed. Comments were submitted from 21/10/2023 to 02/12/2023.


Annual Review of the East Wanneroo Cells 1-9 Cost Sharing Arrangements (2023-2024)

At its meeting on 10 October 2023, the City of Wanneroo Council resolved to advertise the revised land values and Infrastructure Cost Per Lot (ICPL) for the East Wanneroo Cells 1-9 developer contribution arrangements.  

In accordance with the relevant clauses of District Planning Scheme No. 2 (DPS No. 2) landowners affected by the review are provided with an opportunity to make a submission on the revised Cell Costs for Council to Consider. 

The annual review recommends that the following Infrastructure Cost Per Lot (ICPL) and Cell valuations for East Wanneroo Cells 1-9 be advertised for 42 days, as below.

Cell 1 (Ashby-Tapping) - ICPL rate $18,019 and Land Valuation of $1,965,000 per hectare

Cell 2 (Sinagra) - ICPL rate $20,847 and Land Valuation of $1,965,000 per hectare

Cell 3 (Wanneroo) - ICPL rate of $25,903 and Land Valuation of $1,965,000 per hectare;

Cell 4 (Hocking-Pearsall) - ICPL rate $23,328 and Land Valuation of $2,020,000 per hectare

Cell 5 (Landsdale) - ICPL rate $30,909 and Land Valuation of $2,160,000 per hectare

Cell 6 (Madeley-Darch) - ICPL rate $24,678 and Land Valuation of $2,185,000 per hectare

Cell 7 (Wangara) - $11.12 per/m2 and Land Valuation of $2,600,000 per hectare

Cell 8 (Wangara) - $31.54 per/m2 and Land Valuation of $2,400,000 per hectare 

Cell 9 (Landsdale) - ICPL rate $29,947 and Land Valuation of $2,160,000 per hectare

Please refer to the full Council report for details.

·       To Comment

Submit your comments on the annual review by using the online form below.  You can attach additional information via this form.

Please note that for your feedback to be considered, your full contact details must be provided. This information will be treated as confidential and will not be published or linked to your comments in any public report on the outcomes of the consultation. The City will advise you of the progress of this proposal using the details you provide.

Online Submission Form
