; Wanneroo Raceway Master Plan | City of Wanneroo

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Wanneroo Raceway Master Plan

Community engagement has now closed. Comments were submitted from 19/06/2020 to 02/08/2020.


The City has prepared a Master Plan for the future of the Wanneroo Raceway complex in Neerabup, following extensive engagement with stakeholders and affected sporting groups. 

The City is looking to revitalise the Raceway into an internationally recognised facility.

The attached Master Plan will allow the facility to become a focal point for amateur and elite wheeled sporting activities in Western Australia. It will take advantage of the Raceway’s potential and expand to create facilities that can host state, national and international events in a variety of wheeled sporting activities.

The expansion of the raceway will allow the City to increase its international reputation as a place to visit and enjoy state-of-the-art motor sport infrastructure. The master plan will increase the capacity for attracting tourism to the City.

Comments are invited on the draft plan before it goes to Council in August / September for approval.
