; Glynis || Councillor Glynis Parker | North-East Ward Ward | City of Wanneroo

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Councillor Glynis Parker

Glynis Parker

Contact details

Telephone: 0409 408171

Email: glynis.parker@wanneroo.wa.gov.au

Term expires: October 2027

Councillor Glynis Parker was born and raised in South Africa, before migrating to Australia in 1999.  

She has lived in the City of Wanneroo for more than two decades and is passionate about representing the City’s residents by helping make Council decisions that shape the growth of the City and the lifestyle it offers.

Cr Parker joined Wanneroo Council in 2013, serving as a North Coast Ward Councillor until 2017, and was re-elected to Council to represent the City’s North-East Ward in 2019.

Listening to and understanding the needs of the community is a priority for Cr Parker, and she makes herself available to engage with all residents, taking a keen interest in learning about different walks of life. She had an active role in helping develop the City’s Strategic Community Plan, which guides the City’s future direction and growth.

Addressing the impacts of climate change, protecting and preserving the environment, promoting the City’s natural attractions and heritage sites, and advocating for local business and investment in the City are key areas of focus for Cr Parker.

Her vision for the City is to build a vibrant, inclusive and safe community that fosters a sense of belonging for all by working alongside community groups, local sporting clubs, schools and local support services and agencies.

This information has been written by the Council Member.

Ward: North-East Ward

Position: Councillor

Other Council Members for North-East Ward

Bronwyn Smith

Bronwyn Smith

Ward: North-East Ward

Browse Council Members