; Coastal Projects - Central and Southern Jindalee - Renewal of Jindalee Beach Access Way South - City of Wanneroo

Rates information 2024/25

Rates notices for 2024/25 will be issued in late August. More information


Coastal Projects - Central and Southern Jindalee - Renewal of Jindalee Beach Access Way South

Project description

Following an engineering structural condition assessment, the Southern Jindalee Beach Access Way was identified as requiring renewal.

The City appointed coastal engineering consultants, M P Rogers and Associates, to complete the Options Assessment and Detailed Design for the upgrade of the staircase which was completed in July 2023. 

Jindalee Beach Access Staircase South has been prioritised for renewal in 2023/24. The City has appointed Terpstra Constructions to complete the demolition and construction works. Work will begin in June 2024, and area expected to be completed by November 2024, subject to suitable site and weather conditions.


Expected completion 2024



West of Maritime Drive, Jindalee.

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