; Community Facility Projects - Wanneroo - Rotary Park - Upgrade play space - City of Wanneroo

Community Facility Projects - Wanneroo - Rotary Park - Upgrade play space

Project description

The play space at Rotary Park will be upgraded to ensure it is accessible for all to enjoy. 

Upgrades will include:

  • Replacement of the existing fort.
  • Refurbishment of sand play area providing new play equipment and shade sales.
  • New nature place space.
  • New play equipment for all ages.
  • Additional fencing to enclose the park and improve safety.
  • Rubberised surfaces to improve accessibility.

Changes will be completed in two stages.

Stage one

Fort replacement - scheduled for completion June 2024.

Stage two

Playground Equipment Replacement was scheduled for completion in 2024/2025. However, delays have occurred to design complexities caused by flooding issues. Completion is now anticipated to be 2025/2026. 

Expected Date of Completion

2025 to 2026 financial year.


Construction of stage 1. Fort replacement.


275 Scenic Drive, Wanneroo.
