; Coastal Projects - Mindarie Breakwater Management - City of Wanneroo

Rates information 2024/25

Rates notices for 2024/25 will be issued in late August. More information


Coastal Projects - Mindarie Breakwater Management

Project description

The Mindarie Breakwater was constructed in 1988 and management responsibility was handed to the City of Wanneroo in 2005. Since this time the City has undertaken a number of technical investigations, monitoring, risk mitigation measures and minor maintenance works.

Phase 1 Maintenance works were undertaken in 2017/18 which focused on a 160m length of the Mindarie Breakwater which experienced significant wave overtopping and displacement of rock debris onto the road during storms. The completion of these works increased and widened the crest level of the structure resulting in less wave overtopping and associated safety issues.

The Mindarie Breakwater Maintenance Options Assessment and Detailed Design Study commenced in January 2019 and was recently completed in February 2022. The study included extensive local data collection, review of existing information, assessment of a range of breakwater maintenance options, detailed numerical and physical modelling and detailed design of the preferred option that addresses the current issues and design requirements of the breakwater for the next 50 years.

The next phase of breakwater management works is scheduled to commence in January 2023 with works staged over two financial years and was completed in February 2024. Works included:

  • Reworking/repacking of existing breakwater armour rock;
  • Placement of new limestone armour stabilise breakwater slopes and raise and widen the breakwater crest;
  • Expansion of the Claytons Beach Carpark to account for the loss of parallel parking bays on Alexandria View;
  • Replacement/upgrade of other civil infrastructure impacted by the breakwater works including drainage, footpaths, kerbing and vehicle safety barriers.

This project acknowledges the funding contribution of the Commonwealth Government and support of the WA Department of Fire and Emergency Services.

Expected completion Completed February 2024



Central-West Ward

Suburb Mindarie
Further information and project updates
Completed Stages
  • Phase 1 maintenance works
  • Mindarie breakwater maintenance options assessment
  • Detailed design study
  • Community consultation
  • Tenders and approvals
  • Construction

Phone: 9405 5000
Email: enquiries@wanneroo.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: 24 July 2024