; Signage - City of Wanneroo

Rates information 2024/25

Rates notices for 2024/25 will be issued in late August. More information



If you are proposing to erect any form of advertising or signage related to your business, you will need to refer to the City's local law and signage policies.

The purpose of these polices and laws are to provide guidance on design and placement of the common forms of advertising signs within the City.  This helps ensure the visual character and quality of locations is maintained, minimises clutter and provides a degree of control that design and content of advertising is appropriate for the locality.

Signage introduction - information sheet

Council approval requirements

Determine where you wish to place the sign and read the relevant information sheet by clicking below.

Signage on private land - information sheet

Signage on public open space - information sheet

Signage in the road reserve - information sheet

What policies and regulations apply?

Signs Local Law 1999

Signs Local Planning Policy: Provides guidance on design and placement of common forms of advertising signs, in accordance with District Planning Scheme No 2 (DPS2) and the Signs Local Law.

Public Guidance in Road Reserve: Ensures provision of signs that provide public guidance in locating community and commercial services and facilities.

Guidance for Temporary Signage: Provides guidance for community based organisations for temporary roadside advertising.