; Unauthorised signs - Rangers - City of Wanneroo

Payment Outage - Saturday 15 February 2025

Some City payments are currently unavailable due to a system issue. Customers attempting to pay for applications or forms may encounter timeouts. We're working with our provider to resolve this.



Unauthorised signs

Signs are not permitted on any public property (e.g. road reserves, nature strips, median strips, traffic islands or roundabouts) within the City of Wanneroo.

Community interest signs, such as sport signs and school fetes etc may be permitted by obtaining written approval from the City's Infrastructure Planning Department.

Any signs located by Rangers may be seized and the owner prosecuted.

Impounded signs may be recovered from the City by contacting Ranger Services to arrange pickup. A fee of $78.50 per impounded sign applies.

Variable Message Sign (VMS) trailers

Variable Message Sign (VMS) trailers are not permitted to be parked on Council verges as outlined in Clause 4.11(c) of the City of Wanneroo Parking Local Law 2015.

The penalty for breaching this law incurs a $100 infringement issued to the registered owner of the trailer.