; Beach matting removal - City of Wanneroo

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Beach matting removal

The matting at the Yanchep Beach Lagoon will be removed until beach access conditions are appropriate for their reinstallation. 

The beach matting at Quinns Beach will remain in place between the months of October and April each year.

Why was the matting removed? 

Strong winds and ongoing coastal erosion have impacted beach access at Yanchep Lagoon and affected the functionality of the beach matting. The sand covering the matting unfortunately created safety issues for wheelchair, mobile aid and pram users.

We understand the community’s frustration and apologise for the inconvenience.

Next steps

The matting is usually removed from April – October each year and will be stored until it can be reinstalled.

The City’s coastal monitoring program will continue to include a focus on the Yanchep Lagoon area and if beach conditions improve then installation of the matting for the 2023/24 summer season may be considered.

Yanchep Coastal Management Study is underway to address the current and future coastal erosion and beach access issues along the Yanchep coastline through coastal management measures.

For more information on the upgrades to Yanchep Lagoon foreshore, visit our Yanchep Lagoon Improvement page.