- Preliminary Foreshore Management Plan
- Lagoon Future Community Advisory Group
- Brazier Road Services Upgrade
- Old Surf Club Redevelopment
- Old Yanchep Surf Club Redevelopment – Proposal for agreement for lease and ground lease
- Food Truck on Site as Orion Café Closes, Plans for Renovation Available for Viewing
- Food Services Continue While Orion Café Closes for Upgrade
- Nominations Open to Join the Yanchep Lagoon Community Working Group
- City awards tender for Orion Café (Yanchep Lagoon Kiosk) upgrade
- Design of Utility Services for Future Commercial Activity at Yanchep Lagoon Precinct Begins
- Old Yanchep Surf Club Redevelopment
- Orion Café Refurbishment – Plans in place, lease signed
- Yanchep Lagoon Flora and Vegetation Survey Goes Live
- Yanchep Coastal Management Study
Preliminary Foreshore Management Plan
Update 14 August 2024
The City has appointed external consultant UDLA to undertake the next step of the Yanchep Lagoon Masterplanning. The Preliminary Foreshore Management Plan will include environmental, traffic, bush fire and economic studies. It is anticipated that the final plan will be completed by December 2024 and presented to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.
Lagoon Future Community Advisory Group
Update 14 August 2024
The City is currently seeking Expressions of Interests for the Lagoon Future Community Advisory Group.
If you are a resident, business owner or potential user of the Yanchep Lagoon and would like to be involved in the next stage of Masterplanning, then please let us know!
We are seeking 15 advisory group members who will be required to attend 3 x face-to-face workshops taking place between August and October 2024.
The EOI process will close COB on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 at 5.00pm.
Brazier Road Services Upgrade
Update 14 August 2024
A concept design for the delivery of services such as gas, power and water to the Yanchep Lagoon Precinct is complete. Input on the concept design and the capacity of the existing services was sought from the service providers such as Alita Gas, Western Power and the Water Corporation. The design is now ready to progress to the detailed design phase.
Old Surf Club Redevelopment
Update 14 August 2024
The Lease (and Agreement for Lease) to Be Our Guest Holdings for the redevelopment of the Old Yanchep Surf Club site was approved by Council on 23 April 2024 (CS05-04/24).
The Yanchep Community Working Group will continue to provide feedback as the project moves into detailed design. Working Group input will continue in the coming months, in advance of submission of a formal development application to the Western Australian Planning Commission.
The completion of the development (and its future opening date) is reliant on the connection of utility service upgrades by the City (currently under design as a separate project).
View the Council report Minutes & Agendas
Old Yanchep Surf Club Redevelopment – Proposal for agreement for lease and ground lease
Update Wednesday 17 April 2024
The potential lease of the Old Yanchep Surf Club is progressing and will be discussed at the City of Wanneroo’s Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday, 23 April 2024.
Council granted approval to proceed with a lease in August 2021 (subject to final negotiations). Subsequently a local public notice was advertised from 22 February to 7 March 2024 this year. The process to proceed now requires the report to return to Council for approval following advertisement of this notice.
If Council grants approval, the City will execute the documentation with preferred lessee, Be Our Guest Holdings.
Visit the City’s website to read the Council report, which is expected to be released in the meeting agenda on the afternoon of Friday, 19 April 2024, and for information on live streaming or attending the meeting in person.
If you have any enquiries about this project, please email enquiries@wanneroo.wa.gov.au.
Update Thursday 22 February 2024
Lease negotiations between Be Our Guest Holdings and the City for the redevelopment of the Old Yanchep Surf Club have progressed to the stage where lease documents have been agreed in principle by the parties. The documents have been signed by Be Our Guest Holdings and in the City’s case are subject to final advertising of the proposed lease and Council approval.
The recent progress of the lease negotiations is in accordance with Council’s resolution in August 2021 (CS03-08/21).
The agreement for lease and ground lease for the Old Surf Club site (Lot 10603 (3) Brazier Road, Yanchep) will be advertised by a public notice under section 3.58 of the Local Government Act. The notice provides people with an opportunity to respond to the proposed disposal of land. The notice period opens on 22 February 2024 and will close on 7 March 2024. View the public notice and have your say by clicking on the link below:
The lease documents provide for Be our Guest Holdings to enter into a ground lease with the City to construct a casual, family friendly bar, café and function space. Designs for this project will be presented for feedback to the Yanchep Lagoon Community Working Group and the City's Design Review Panel in due course, in advance of submission of a formal development application to the Western Australian Planning Commission.
Food Truck on Site as Orion Café Closes, Plans for Renovation Available for Viewing
Update Thursday 7 December 2023
The Orion Café is now closed and upgrade works have begun.
A food truck is on site serving hot food and takeaways while the Café is closed.
Renovation works are due for completion in the second half of 2024. The City and Café Operator have decided on this timing to ensure the Café is upgraded and open for business as soon as possible.
View renovation plans for the Café
Food Services Continue While Orion Café Closes for Upgrade
Update Friday 3 November 2023
The Orion Café is expected to close in November 2023 so that upgrade works can begin. A food truck will be on site serving food and drink while the Café is closed.
The City will provide further updates in due course to advise when the food truck will be operational.
Nominations Open to Join the Yanchep Lagoon Community Working Group
Update Monday 23 October 2023
Would you like to join a group of like minded people providing input into the delivery of the Yanchep Lagoon Masterplan?
The City is calling for community members to nominate for the Yanchep Lagoon Community Working Group from now until 20 November 2023.
The Working Group includes a maximum of 10 community representatives and is an ideal opportunity to have your say and input into decisions made by the City.
Please click below to nominate:
City awards tender for Orion Café (Yanchep Lagoon Kiosk) upgrade
Update Thursday 19 September 2023
Work will soon begin on the upgrade of the Orion Café and change rooms, following the approval of a construction tender for the project at the City of Wanneroo’s September 2023 Council meeting.
Council accepted a tender from Yanchep based Hickey Constructions for the construction project, that includes the extension of the Orion Café dining area, a new outdoor deck area, refurbishing the existing toilets (to provide an expanded service and seating area) and upgrades to the roof of the café. The works have been the result of close collaboration with the long-term café operator, who will be undertaking internal fitout improvements following the completion of the City’s renovations. The café operator is also putting in place a temporary trading option (via a food truck) on adjacent land to the north of the Orion Café site.
Construction works will begin in the coming weeks, with completion scheduled for mid-2024.
Design of Utility Services for Future Commercial Activity at Yanchep Lagoon Precinct Begins
Utility services such as gas, power and communications in the Yanchep Lagoon Precinct are insufficient to support further development, so upgrades to these services are required before any improvement works in the Lagoon Precinct can occur. The City has prioritised critical works to upgrade utility service infrastructure to support future commercial activity.
Old Yanchep Surf Club Redevelopment
The City continues to make progress with the Old Yanchep Surf Club redevelopment project, and has been liaising with hospitality company, Be Our Guest Holdings, in relation to the finalisation of the lease documentation.
Detailed design for the project is taking place in parallel with work on the lease documents. Site development will occur in coordination with the City’s servicing works, noting that the site cannot operate until services are in place.
Designs will be presented for feedback to the Yanchep Lagoon Community Working Group and the City's Design Review Panel in due course. The City will continue to provide regular community updates on the Be Our Guest development on this webpage.
Orion Café Upgrades – Plans in place, lease signed
Yanchep’s much-loved Orion Café kiosk and adjoining change rooms are set to get a new lease on life when upgrades are completed.
Both the City and the café operator have worked closely to improve the dining experience for café customers. Upgrades include extending the café dining area, a new outdoor deck area facing the ocean, refurbishing the existing toilets and upgrades to the roof. When complete, these works will provide more seating space with a better view for customers.
An accessible path, from the pedestrian crossing on Brazier Road to the café entrance, will also be installed.
Detailed design and community engagement has been completed. Construction is set to start in the second half of 2023 (tender closing in July 2023) and be completed later in summer 2023/24. The premises will be closed for part of the period, with the café operator currently finalising plans for temporary trading nearby.
Yanchep Lagoon Flora and Vegetation Survey Goes Live
Friday 28 October 2022

Did you know that there are 107 different types of native plant species in the Yanchep Lagoon Precinct?
A flora and vegetation survey has been prepared by Perth-based environmental consultants, One Tree Botanical, as part of the first stage to implement the Yanchep Lagoon Masterplan.
The survey provides comprehensive information on the diversity and distribution of plants growing in the area, and will inform future plans for new commercial activity and public spaces.
The City will use survey data to identify environmentally sensitive areas, and assist with planning and environmental impact assessments.
The bright colours on the maps show vegetation condition and type, which range from ‘very good to excellent’ to ‘completely degraded’.
Future development will keep as much of the high quality vegetation as possible, while adding more native trees and vegetation to enhance degraded areas.
Want to learn more about what’s growing in the Lagoon Precinct? Access the flora and vegetation survey here.
Yanchep Coastal Management Study
Friday 28 October 2022

The Yanchep Coastal Management Study aims to address the current and future coastal erosion and beach access issues along the Yanchep coastline through coastal management measures. These measures will be identified via a coastal engineering consultancy study consisting of a coastal processes assessment, coastal management options assessment, extensive community consultation and detailed design.
Study results will inform decision making around appropriate coastal maintenance and protection works and the continued safe access and usage of Yanchep Beach. This process involves three years of data collection and coastal engineering design, however this will ensure that protection works are based on data and future requirements.
The project stages are as follows:
- 2022/23: metocean data collection, i.e. current, wind, wave, sea level and meterological data.
- 2023/24: coastal process assessment and concept options assessment.
- 2024/25: detailed design of recommended coastal management and beach access works.
- 2025/26 onwards: approvals and construction.
Recent updates:
- Announcement of Coastal Adaptation and Protection Grant from the Department of Transport for $44,000 towards Yanchep Metocean Data Collection.
- Metocean data collection: Three month winter deployment of two instruments offshore of Yanchep recently completed (July to September 2022). Three month summer deployment scheduled for 1 December 2022.
- Beach renourishment: The City recently placed approximately 2000 tonnes of sand at Yanchep Lagoon (27 to 30 September 2022). Without this renourishment work, the surf lifesaving patrol tower could not be installed and vehicle access to the beach for surf club operations would not be possible.