; Rocca Way waterwise garden - City of Wanneroo

Rates information 2024/25

Rates notices for 2024/25 will be issued in late August. More information


Rocca Way waterwise garden

On this page: 

When you come into Rocca Way in the Wanneroo Town Centre you can view a selection of waterwise plants and mulch on display in a demonstration garden and learn about some great waterwise choices for your garden. 

The featured plants have been chosen as they are perfectly suited to the local environment and are a great choice for residents. 

Waterwise trees

A demonstration garden has been setup in Rocca Way, Wanneroo to showcase a selection of waterwise trees perfectly suited to the local environment.

Silver Princess

Silver Princess plant

Silver Princess are waterwise, beautifully ornamental and provide a great food source for native birds.

Common name: Silver Princess
Botanical name: Eucalyptus caesia
Mature height: 6-8 m
Mature width: 3-4 m
Likes: Sunny, hot conditions and well-drained soil

A small tree with silver hanging branches, grey/bluish-green leaves, brown bark stem coated in a layer of silver dust with large pink/red flowers in winter and spring that transition to silver gum nuts.

Kings Park Special (KPS)

Kings Park Special

KPS are waterwise, can be pruned to shape after flowering and provide a great food source for nectar loving native birds, bees and butterflies.

Common name: Kings Park Special
Botanical name: Callistemon citrinus “Kings Park Special”
Mature height: 3-5 m
Mature width: 3-4 m
Likes: Sunny, hot conditions and well-drained soil

An attractive, compact bottlebrush with bright red flowers in Spring and Autumn, attracting nectar loving birds, bees and butterflies. 

Coral Gum

Coral Gum plant

Once established, Coral gums are waterwise, beautifully ornamental and provide a great food source and habitat for native birds. 

Common name: Coral Gum
Botanical name: Eucalyptus torquate
Mature height: 6-8 m
Mature width: 5 m
Likes: Sunny, hot conditions and well-drained soil

An attractive, shade-providing small tree, grey/bluish-green leaves, with unusually shaped red buds developing into profuse reddish-pink flowers which hang from reddish stems from August to December.

Coast Banksia

Coast Banksia

Coast Banksia are waterwise, beautifully ornamental and provide a great food source for native birds.

Common name: Coast Banksia
Botanical name: Banksia integrifolia
Mature height: 4-15 m
Mature width: 1-6 m
Likes: Sunny, hot conditions and well-drained soil

A slow-growing tree with attractive leathery dark green leaves which are silver on the underside and large yellow flowers in autumn through to spring which are nectar rich and wildlife attracting.

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Designing your garden

Please find more information below to assist in designing your garden to combat drought and fire.

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Mulch and mulch alternatives

Mulch and mulch alternatives create permeable coverings that assist in the retention of water in soils. A thick layer of at least 5- 10 cm should be applied with about 5cm distance left from the from the base of each plant. Whilst rubble style mulch alternatives create an attractive and sustainable option for holding water in the ground, it should be noted it is not permitted by the City of Wanneroo to be used as a verge treatment. 

Wood mulch

Wood mulch and plants

Wood mulch forms a barrier that helps prevent weed growth by blocking sunlight and inhibiting weed seed germination. This reduces the need for frequent weeding and reduces the competition between weeds and desired plants. It helps retain soil moisture by reducing evaporation, that can be especially beneficial during hot and dry periods. Wood mulch keeps the soil cooler in hot weather and warmer during colder periods, creating a more stable environment for plant roots. Additionally, it protects soil from erosion caused by wind and water runoff, improves soil structure, adds nutrients, and help regulate pH.  

White crushed brick

White crushed brick

White crushed brick can provide a clean and modern aesthetic to your landscape. The bright and uniform colour can create a striking contrast against green plants, making your garden or outdoor space visually appealing. It is durable and long lasting, reducing frequency the need for it to be replaced or topped up, saving you time and money in the long run. The dense nature of crushed brick can help suppress weed growth, reducing the need for regular weeding and maintenance. This can be particularly beneficial in areas where weeds are a persistent problem. Additionally, it is a fantastic alternative to wood mulch in bushfire prone areas and in creating a firewise garden.

Red crushed brick

Red crushed brick with plants

Red crushed brick is a combination of recycled crushed red bricks, terracotta tiles, ceramic tiles, wall plaster, mortar, and other building materials. Crushed brick provides a rustic and natural look, typically featuring earthy red or brown tones. It is relatively durable and can withstand heavy foot traffic better. It mostly lasts longer than traditional mulch without significant decomposition and is a fantastic addition for Firewise gardens. Crushed brick provides a vibrant sustainable option and is best used in courtyard, garden landscaping, pathways, in rockeries and around plants and ground covers. 


A gabion

A gabion is a rectangular wire mesh container or cage filled with stones, rocks, or other suitable materials, in this instance recycled building waste. They have many uses from military fortifications, sound barriers and flood control to providing habitat for small creatures such as lizards. Gabions are popular in civil engineering and landscaping due to their strength, durability, and ability to blend with the natural environment. They provide a porous structure, allowing water to flow through while maintaining stability. Additionally, they are relatively easy to install, and their modular nature allows for flexibility in design and construction. The Gabions you see have been filled with the uncrushed building materials that have also been used to create the Red Crushed Brick mulch alternative.

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