; Preparing & lodging a Local Development Plan application - City of Wanneroo

Preparing & lodging a Local Development Plan application

What is a Local Development Plan (LDP)?

A local development plan (formally known as a Detailed Area Plan or DAP) is a planning tool used to provide alternative site specific design control measures to those under the Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) for matters relating to urban design and the overall look of a built area. At the local government's discretion, a local development plan can also streamline the development approval process, with compliant development exempt from the requirement to obtain development approval.

Please refer to the Western Australian Planning Commission Local Development Plan Framework document to obtain more information about Local Development Plans.

Preparing a Local Development Plan Application

The City of Wanneroo recommends that you engage a Planning Consultant to prepare the Local Development Plan and supporting information. The Local Development Plan must be prepared in accordance with the City of Wanneroo's District Planning Scheme No.2. Please note that the City is unable to recommend any planning consultants.

Lodging a Local Development Plan Application

Where an LDP is required, the following process should be followed when submitting the LDP. Every submission should contain the following information:

  • Supporting cover letter clearly indicating why the LDP has been prepared (i.e. Structure Plan requirement or condition of subdivision) and justification for the proposed variation to the Residential Design Codes of WA;
  • Electronic PDF version of the proposed Local Development Plan; and
  • Copy of WAPC Subdivision Approval (if LDP is required under subdivision).

All LDP's should be submitted eletronically through the City's online lodgement portal.

Submit Online

The City will provide a fee estimate to the applicant and accept lodgement of the Local Development Plan upon receiving payment of the required fee. The fee is calculated in accordance with the Planning and Development Regulations 2009 (Part 7 - Local Government Planning Charges, Regulation 48A) as amended from time to time.

Local Development Plan Amendments

If the proponent wishes to amend or modify an endorsed LDP, that LDP should be treated as a new submission and the above assessment process will be followed.

Approved Local Development Plans

All endorsed Local Development Plans are available to view on the City's Structure Plan and Local Development Plan page. In addition all Local Development Plans are also displayed on the City's Online mapping system.