; Heritage - City of Wanneroo

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The City of Wanneroo recognises that local cultural heritage is a non-renewable resource that is an important part of the community, as it promotes a sense of belonging and unity as well as providing insight into previous generations and history.     

City of Wanneroo Heritage

In Western Australia there are three main types of heritage listings that impact on sites located within the City of Wanneroo.

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Local Heritage Survey (LHS)

The City of Wanneroo is required to prepare and maintain a record of locally significant heritage places.

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Heritage List

The City of Wanneroo is required to prepare and maintain a Heritage List pursuant to the City’s District Town Planning Scheme 2 (DPS2).

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State Heritage Register

The State Heritage Register is a statutory list of places that represent the story of Western Australia’s history.

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Aboriginal Heritage

Aboriginal sites are afforded protection under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972.

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How does this affect you?

If you are the land owner of a place that is listed on the State Register of Places, any development application must be referred to the Heritage Council for approval.

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Information on Heritage