Advocacy - Activation of Yanchep Strategic Centre

What do we need?
To acheive the City of Wanneroo and State Governments's vision for Yanchep Strategic Centre, the delivery of appropriate employment, facilities and services designed to service a catchment of up to 300,000 pepople is required including:
- Primary centre for business and employment
- Schools and higher education services
- Hospital and health services
- Sport and recreational facilities
- Retail, entertainment and hospitality
- Civic and community services
Yanchep City is a Strategic Centre under the Planning and Development Act 2005: State Planning Policy 4.2. The Policy outlines the Activity centres defined for WA and was updated and Gazetted July 2023.
Strategic centres are the main regional and sub-regional activity centres. They are multi-purpose centres that provide a diversity of uses and are the main focus for housing and employment growth outside the Capital City. These centres provide the full range of economic and community services necessary for the communities in their catchments and wider region. These centres are expected to service substantial populations, providing health, community and social services, be well-served by public transport and provide opportunities for business agglomeration.
The City of Wanneroo has a rapidly growing population and is forecast to increase by 85.18% between 2024 and 2041, with the majority of this growth (132,211 people, 66%) in the northern corridor (Butler to Two Rocks). As a strategic centre Yanchep will also service a wider catchment including regional and rural residents to the north.
Yanchep Strategic Centre is an outer metro centre located on the fringe of the Perth metropolitan area. Without active development of this centre, residents will be at a significant disadvantage and will need to travel large distances for employment, facilities and services, which will negatively impact social and financial wellbeing.
Both State and Federal Government have invested in significant infrastructure for the area including rail and road infrastructure and the Alkimos Aquatic and Recreation Centre offering an opportunity to leverage this investment and ensure value capture.
A large number of key stakeholders (State Government, City, landowners, developers, community) means that the Centre is at high risk of fragmented development and duplication of effort and resources. Strong State Government leadership is required in order to achieve the shared vision in a coordinated and sustainable way.
How can we make it happen?
State Government to coordinate and fund an insfrastructure delivery strategy and program to enable the sustainable economic development of Yanchep Strategic Centre. |
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