Advocacy - Road and Rail Transport Infrastructure
What do we need?
Essential connections for the City’s major industrial hubs
- Construction of Whiteman Yanchep Highway including the Pedrick Road RAV7 connection to the Neerabup Industrial Area
- Upgrade Neaves Road to a RAV7 connection from Neerabup Industrial Area to the Perth – Darwin Highway
- Realignment and upgrade of Whitfords Avenue – Gnangara Road in Wangara Industrial Area
Essential connections for the City’s growing population
- Delivery of a mid-tier transit system to facilitate delivery of the East Wanneroo District Structure Plan
- Dualling of Yanchep Beach Road Marmion Avenue to Yanchep National Park including extending the shared path network
- Investigate Lukin Drive extension between the Mitchell Freeway and Wanneroo Road to connect Wesco Road
Wangara Industrial Area is the City’s most significant and well-established industrial area currently home to over 4,000 businesses employing close to 20,000 workers.
Neerabup Industrial Area is an emerging industrial hub set to become the City’s largest employment centre supporting up to 30,000 jobs. Neerabup is rapidly becoming a centre for automation, robotics, remote operations and zero emissions technologies and is home to the world-leading Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct and a future Resource Recovery Precinct. These essential RAV7 road connections will be a key catalyst for private investment in Neerabup and resultant economic activity and employment.
Road connections are essential to enabling efficient transport and logistics required for industrial centres remain competitive as well as enabling access for the workforce.
The City of Wanneroo, as the most northern metro local government, is an important conduit between Perth metro and the State’s north and east to the Perth Darwin Highway. The identified connections are key to meeting City, State and interstate transport connectivity.
The City of Wanneroo’s population is expected to grow from 235,994 in 2024 to 437,016 in 2046. It is essential for road and rail transport infrastructure to be planned for and delivered to enable this growth and include an appropriate range of private and public transport options for residents.
Delivery of fit for purpose transport infrastructure will ensure the successful implementation of the East Wanneroo District Structure Plan.
How can we make it happen?
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