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Security investment reaps dividends at Kingsway
Published Monday, 10th June 2019
The City of Wanneroo’s investment in 12 security cameras at the Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex last year is reaping safety rewards for the community.

Positioned in seven locations around the Madeley complex, the cameras operate 24/7 and provide coverage of internal roads, entry and exit points and playing areas, freeing rangers to provide more community patrols and quicker responses to call-outs.
“Community safety is a matter of genuine importance to our residents and this initiative responds directly to their concerns,” City of Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts said.
“Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex is used by hundreds of thousands of people each year, and it is important people feel safe and have confidence that they can enjoy their time outdoors in a family friendly environment.”
The City has contributed $100,000 towards the project with a further $207,700 grant from the Federal Government’s Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Initiatives, Safer Streets Program.
Madeley resident Amanda Hunt said installation of the cameras has made her feel safer when visiting Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex.
“With two active boys, we are at Kingsway several times a week for various sports as well as catch-ups with friends,” Ms Hunt said.
“Since the CCTV cameras have been installed, I definitely feel a lot safer, especially when we are there at night - there are always plenty of people around, and having that extra bit of security just gives you peace of mind.”
The City has been working closely with local police, with a link set up that enables Wanneroo Police to access footage from CCTV cameras throughout the City of Wanneroo.
Senior Sergeant Simon Hazell, Officer in Charge of Wanneroo Police Station, said this was a significant improvement, with access to live and recorded CCTV images 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
“The City of Wanneroo and Wanneroo Police Station have worked collaboratively to better manage the City’s CCTV assets, identify locations for new installations and ensure footage is utilised to achieve the best investigation outcomes for the community,” Senior Sergeant Hazell said.
“So far the localised City of Wanneroo CCTV system at Wanneroo Police Station has assisted in local crime and traffic investigations.”
Mayor Roberts said vandalism and the loss of community assets not only upset and inconvenienced members of the community, but cost the City and ultimately ratepayers a great deal of money.
“We all need to work together to put a stop to these senseless and anti-social actions,” she said.
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