; A new plan for dust management - City of Wanneroo

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A new plan for dust management

Published Tuesday, 28th April 2015

The City of Wanneroo will review its dust policy to manage sand drift from large scale development in the rapidly expanding northern corridor.

Chief Executive Officer Daniel Simms said with 16 residential developments currently under construction north of Quinns Rocks, a new approach was needed to manage sand drift and dust.

“Council has requested the current policy be reviewed and the City is looking at how other local governments are responding to this issue,” he said.

“In the meantime the City’s Planning Team will contact land owners to discuss how they can better control the sand drift and dust.”

Mr Simms said the City was aware of recent dust issues in Two Rocks and was working with developers of Atlantis Beach Estate to manage the problem.

“We are confident a positive outcome has been achieved in the short term but will continue to prioritise this issue over the winter months so it isn't an issue in summer,” Mr Simms said.

“The City is eager to work with the community for a better approach to the management of sand and are encouraging land owners of large scale developments to revise their management of earthworks and subsequent occurring dust before the commencement of construction.”

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