; Mulching works on Wanneroo Road - September to October 2019 - City of Wanneroo

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Mulching works on Wanneroo Road - September to October 2019

Published Wednesday, 11th September 2019

The City is currently undertaking mulching to the Wanneroo Road median between Beach Road and Joondalup Drive.

Image of mulch and spade.

These works will provide ongoing weed suppression, improve moisture holding capacity to the existing trees and vegetation and improve the overall aesthetics of the landscaping within the median.

Works will be undertaken on week days between the hours of 9:00am and 3:00pm with an estimated completion date of Friday 25 October 2019.

Traffic management will be in place during the works to ensure the safety of the contractors delivering the works and road users alike. Sections of the median associated with the grade separation projects at Ocean Reef Road and Joondalup Drive have been excluded from these works.

For further information please contact the Specialist Parks Contracts on 9405 5000.

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