; Museum: open hours change - City of Wanneroo

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Museum: open hours change

Published Wednesday, 20th May 2015

The Wanneroo Regional Museum and Community History Centre will now open on Saturdays and close on Sundays.

Wanneroo Regional Museum
This change to the opening times will align the opening days of the Museum and Community History Centre with the Wanneroo Library opening times to allow visitors to better experience the whole Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre.

It will also allow the museum to run more joint activities with the library to better serve the local community and provide quality heritage education and local history experiences.

Visitors are asked to please take note of the amended hours and plan visits accordingly.

For further details you can call the Wanneroo Regional Museum on 9405 5920 or visit the Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre at 3 Rocca Way, Wanneroo.

Museum operating days

Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

10am - 4pm


10am - 5pm


12pm - 4pm



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