; Authority of Marmion Avenue transferred to Main Roads WA - City of Wanneroo

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Authority of Marmion Avenue transferred to Main Roads WA

Published Thursday, 13th May 2021

The City will transfer responsibility for its section of Marmion Avenue to the State Government’s Main Roads WA (MRWA) in recognition of the road’s significance as a high traffic transport route

Marmion Avenue, Mindarie
Marmion Avenue, Mindarie

Wanneroo Council approved the transfer at last night’s ordinary council meeting.

Mayor Tracey Roberts thanked the State Government for supporting the improvement of transport infrastructure - a key focus for the City.

“The City continues to invest a large portion of its capital works budget on transport infrastructure, pathways, traffic management and street lighting to improve efficiency and safety for our rapidly growing population,” Mayor Roberts said.

“Wanneroo’s large and diverse region services the greater Perth area and beyond, so it is a priority to ensure local, state and federal governments work together to maintain fit-for-purpose transport routes.”

City of Wanneroo Director Assets, Harminder Singh, said the City would work with MRWA to finalise the transfer.

“We are looking forward to working closely with Main Roads WA to complete the transfer of these roads to positively impact our community,” he said.

Formal proceedings of the transfer will take some months to complete, pending resolution of land tenure.

Since 2010 the City has requested that Marmion Avenue and Ocean Reef Road be reclassified as State Administered Roads under the responsibility of MRWA.

Following the 2018 review of WA’s road classification criteria, MRWA took over the responsibility of Ocean Reef Road from 1 July 2020.

In April 2021, MRWA determined the section of Marmion Avenue between Ocean Reef Road and Yanchep Beach Road fit the criteria for reclassification as a State Administered Road under the Main Roads Act 1930, following completion of the state-funded four-lane dual carriageway.

More articles in the news archive.