Community key to budget
Published Thursday, 11th June 2015
Community safety, infrastructure, parks, sporting amenities and active open space top the list of key projects in the City of Wanneroo’s 2015-16 Budget adopted at last night’s special council meeting.

Mayor Tracey Roberts said Council was confident residents would welcome new and continued funding for the Quinns/Mindarie, Pearsall/Hocking and Koondoola Community Centres and Yanchep Surf Life Saving Club totalling more than $6million.
“Community infrastructure is vital to provide connections and social opportunities between residents, clubs and organisations,” she said.
Another highlight of the City’s Budget is the development of the Yanchep Active Open Space/ovals Master Plan which includes two senior size sporting fields, car park, amenities building, basketball/netball courts, play area, internal path network and floodlighting at a cost of more than $3.5million.
Works are scheduled to start in June/July with the ovals available for use from about mid-2017.
The City is also committing new funds to the Butler North District Open Space Master Plan ($220,000) which includes district level active playing fields, hard courts, sports amenities building and supporting infrastructure.
The Yanchep and Butler projects make up part of the $9million allocated to sport facilities in the City.
“More than $700,000 of funding for sport facilities will go towards floodlighting and an extension to the oval at Warradale Park in Landsdale and more than $400,000 to sports floodlighting, baseball back nets, cricket net upgrade and playgrounds at Hudson Park in Girrawheen,” Mayor Roberts said.
Gumblossom Reserve (Quinns Rocks), Ridgewood Reserve, Wanneroo Showgrounds, Alexander Heights Park and Lake Joondalup Park will also share in $1,194,000 for various projects.
More park, sporting and community infrastructure projects below:
Coastal Ward
Quinns Mindarie Community Centre: $1,283,000.
Coastal maintenance at Quinns: $500,000.
Central Ward
Pearsall/Hocking Community Centre: $3million.
Playground equipment Mirto Park (Sinagra), Gidgi Park (Wanneroo): $120,000.
North Ward
Fisherman’s Hollow beach access: $185,000.
Yanchep Surf Life Saving Club: $1million.
Yanchep Community Centre and Library needs and feasibility study: $62,000.
South Ward
Koondoola Community Centre: $1,291,000.
Southern Suburbs Library: $150,000.
Marangaroo golf course: $630,000.
Little Athletics at Kingsway $60,000.
Warradale Park memorial playground: $150,000.
Hudson Park: $432,680.
More articles in the news archive.