Saturday 16 October is Local Government Election day
Published Wednesday, 13th October 2021
It’s not too late to cast your vote in the City of Wanneroo local government elections.

This Saturday 16 October is Local Government Election day, and it’s not too late to cast your vote in the City of Wanneroo local government elections.
With just 3 days to go until voting closes, and to ensure your vote is received in time, you can hand-deliver your completed ballot package at the following locations:
- Clarkson Library, Corner Ebb Way and Ocean Keys Boulevard Clarkson - during business hours until 4:00pm on Friday 15 October
- Girrawheen Library, 6 Patrick Court, Girrawheen - during business hours until 4:00pm on Friday 15 October
- City of Wanneroo Civic Administration Centre, 23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo - until 6:00pm on Saturday 16 October.
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