; Noongar students’ creativity shines at Reconciliation Action Plan celebration - City of Wanneroo

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Noongar students’ creativity shines at Reconciliation Action Plan celebration

Published Friday, 3rd July 2015

The City of Wanneroo is proud to host the Noongar Pop Culture 2 fashion exhibition to celebrate its new Reconciliation Action Plan.

Noongar pop group
The travelling exhibition, on show at the Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre gallery, features the creations of Noongar teenagers from Narrogin Senior High School.

The group of mostly Year 10 girls created bespoke garments and accessories from eco dyed materials and recycled materials, celebrating their culture.

Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts said the students work was inspiring and fun.

“The Noongar Pop Culture 2 arts project introduced the students to new skills including design, dressmaking and weaving.  I am delighted to hear it also helped boost their confidence, pride and participation at school,” she said. 

“The City is so proud to welcome this vibrant visiting arts project, which runs until 18 July.  Wanneroo is a diverse community, rich in Aboriginal history which should be preserved and celebrated.

“This is just one of many cultural celebrations the City hosts during NAIDOC Week.  It is also the perfect opportunity to celebrate the progress of our Reconciliation Action Plan.”  

Mayor Roberts said the plan encouraged staff, the community and Councillors to create an environment that fosters reconciliation.

“It is also about finding ways we can reduce barriers to Aboriginal employment in the City.  I’m excited to welcome the Narrogin students’ work.  Their creations should inspire local Wanneroo students to continue achieving wonderful things,” Mayor Roberts said.

“I urge everyone to see the exhibition at Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre.”

What: Reconciliation Action Plan celebration - Noongar Pop Culture 2 exhibition exclusive viewing
When: Thursday 9 July 6pm to 7pm
Where: Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre gallery

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