; Top marks for children’s health - City of Wanneroo

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Top marks for children’s health

Published Thursday, 16th July 2015

Last year the City of Wanneroo was commended for its efforts towards the health and wellbeing of children after being named the winner in two categories.

The Public Health Advocacy Institute of WA’s Children’s Environment and Health Local Government Report Card project aims to promote positive change and integrate children’s environment and health issues in local government.
The City of Wanneroo was named the Best in WA (metropolitan) and won in two categories, Child Friendly Planning Approaches and Healthy Eating in recognition of its Early Childhood Strategy.
The full 2014/2015 Children’s Environment and Health Local Government report is now publically available and features the local governments who received awards – including the City.
The City of Wanneroo’s Early Childhood Strategy is a three-year plan for the healthy development of children in their first eight years of life. 
The City plays a key role in providing advocacy, advice and facilitation for early childhood services that are universally accessible and provide a targeted approach to engage disadvantaged and hard-to-reach families. 
These strategies are evident in the City’s Opportunity Playspace, also known as Rotary Park, on Scenic Drive and Kingsway Regional Playground developed to challenge and excite young children. 
The City also has a three-year Public Health Plan to provide a framework to improve the health of the local community, with actions such as the community garden policy to recognise the positive outcomes of community gardens in fostering a sense of community and connection, supporting sustainability and promoting health and wellbeing.
The City was also commended in the Stimulating Learning Environments category for its free It’s All About Play program. 

The Children's Environment & Health Report Card can be downloaded below

Children's Environment Health Report Card


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