; Protecting our roos - City of Wanneroo

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Protecting our roos

Published Wednesday, 30th August 2023

The western grey kangaroos of Yellagonga Regional Park are at risk due to local residents and visitors providing them with food and water.


While providing wildlife with food and water is often done with the best of intentions, unfortunately it is putting these animals at risk.

Not only can processed foods, such as bread, cause a range of deformities, dietary imbalances and other health issues, artificial water sources can quickly become stagnant, spreading disease and bacteria.

The kangaroos in Yellagonga Regional Park absorb most of their water needs through their natural diet of leaves, grasses, fruits and seeds. Providing artificial water sources like buckets of tap water to supplement their diet can cause more harm than good.

When wildlife becomes dependent on humans for survival, they often lose the ability to find food for themselves. This can be especially harmful for juveniles who are still learning to forage for food. 

Yellagonga Regional Park is home to an array of rare and protected flora and fauna, and boasts a number of walking trails, picnic areas and open spaces. 

Take the time to visit and enjoy the City’s incredible parks and reserves but remember to always let nature provide for our native wildlife.

There are plenty of ways you can help protect our native wildlife: 
•    Volunteer with Friends of Yellagonga Regional Park or Woodvale Waters Friends of Beenyup Channel to help create more habitat, shelter and food for kangaroos.
•    Drive carefully near wetlands and bushland areas.
•    Keep your dogs leashed while walking in wetlands and bushland areas.
•    Create a waterwise and biodiverse garden at home with native plants to provide habitat for native fauna.
•    Keep your cats contained.
•    If you see kangaroos being purposefully fed or spot a sick kangaroo, call the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055.  

For more information, visit wanneroo.wa.gov.au/wildlife.

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