; Community supports Girrawheen Hub Precinct design - City of Wanneroo

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Community supports Girrawheen Hub Precinct design

Published Wednesday, 29th May 2024

The transformation of the Girrawheen Hub Precinct is closer to becoming a reality, thanks to enthusiastic community support for the concept design.

Girrawheen Hub Precinct

Following this week’s City of Wanneroo Council meeting, where Council noted the community’s positive feedback on the redevelopment’s guiding concept, the project will now move into the next phase.

Set to breathe new life into the area, the rebuild of the Precinct includes a redesign of the hub, library, community centre and community garden.

Mayor Linda Aitken emphasised the project's importance in addressing access issues, modernising aging infrastructure and creating a more welcoming environment.

“Redeveloping the Girrawheen Hub Precinct will give residents a more welcoming and convenient place to come together and connect, and access City and other services closer to their homes,” she said.

“As one of the fastest growing local governments in Australia, we have a responsibility to invest in building a sustainable City for future generations.

“This project is about more than infrastructure; it's about building a stronger, more connected community where people of all ages can come together and thrive.”

To bring this vision to life, the City will seek $20 million in external funding.

Ongoing community consultation will continue to play a crucial role in shaping further design phases, ensuring the project meets the needs and aspirations of local residents.

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