; New multi-sensory exhibition coming to Wanneroo - City of Wanneroo

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New multi-sensory exhibition coming to Wanneroo

Published Thursday, 31st October 2024

Opening at Wanneroo Regional Gallery next month, Walking Through a Songline is an immersive digital experience where paintings come to life, stories are visualised and ancient knowledge is shared.

Walking Through a Songline

The dramatic multi-sensory installation is based on the National Museum of Australia’s internationally acclaimed exhibition, Songlines: Tracking the Seven Sisters.

Songlines map the routes of Ancestral beings as they travelled across Australia, creating the land and its people. 

Walking Through a Songline allows visitors to experience immersive light projections that create representations of songlines, exploring the history of the country, as told by artists, custodians and traditional owners.

Wanneroo Mayor Linda Aitken said she was excited to bring this unique of intersection of ancient knowledge and new technology to the local community. 

“This exciting exhibition will allow visitors to learn about Aboriginal Songlines and experience Indigenous storytelling, as the ancient narrative comes alive through new technology,” she said.

“Visitors of all ages will get the opportunity to engage with this shared knowledge and feel as though they are walking through Songlines themselves.

“I encourage everyone to visit the gallery and experience Walking Through a Songline this summer.”

Emeritus Curatorial Fellow, First Nations, National Museum of Australia, Margo Ngawa Neale said it was important all Australians know the story of the creation of this continent and its history beyond 240 years.

“We need to remind all Australians that although this story has ancient origins, it has critical contemporary relevance and uses contemporary technology as well as more conventional art forms,” she said. 

Walking Through a Songline is developed by the National Museum of Australia and Mosster Studio with support from the Australian Government’s Visions of Australia program and the National Museum of Australia’s donor community.

Find out more about Walking Through a Songline.

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