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Reports of trapped dog in Yanchep
Published Thursday, 21st January 2016
The City of Wanneroo received a report from a resident of a dog barking in a drain in the vicinity of Ravensbourne Street, Yanchep on Tuesday evening.

Rangers attended the site on Tuesday evening, and worked with the Department of Fire and Emergency Services, but could find no evidence of a dog being trapped in or having entered the drain, despite searching the drains.
Rangers and Park Services attended again on Wednesday and still found no evidence of a trapped dog.
City Rangers, Park Services and Security have continued to monitor the area and physically searched all drains this morning. The City is being assisted by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services and the RSPCA.
Monitoring will continue and if an animal is located all appropriate actions will be taken to rescue the animal. Rangers will attend the site again this evening. The City has received no reports of a missing dog in the Yanchep area.
It is normal process for the City Rangers, as trained animal welfare officers, to manage such matters.
The City urges residents not to enter the drains and to contact the City if further barking is heard.
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