State Government awards funds for facilities
Published Monday, 21st March 2016
The City of Wanneroo has received almost $600,000 in State government grants to help upgrade sporting and recreation facilities in the area.

Mayor Tracey Roberts welcomed the grants, which will be used to install floodlighting at Lake Joondalup Park and Shelvock Park and for construction of a pavilion at Riverlinks Reserve.
“These grants will allow us to progress with upgrades to these facilities, which will have a great impact on the sporting and recreation capabilities in the community,” Mayor Roberts said.
“The City of Wanneroo is extremely pleased these three projects were chosen to receive funding in the 2016/17 Annual Forward Planning Grants for the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund.”
The City received $400,000 for construction of a new pavilion at Riverlinks Reserve, $107,934 for installation of floodlighting at Lake Joondalup Park and $88,500 for installation of floodlighting at Shelvock Park.
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