; 40,000 messages of support for Fund our Future - City of Wanneroo

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40,000 messages of support for Fund our Future

Published Wednesday, 25th May 2016

As the election nears, community pressure is mounting on politicians to back the Fund our Future campaign for a dedicated national infrastructure fund for fast-growing outer suburbs.

Fund our future
Another key milestone has been reached with more than 40,000 emails being sent to politicians in Canberra by residents of the City of Wanneroo and other high-growth outer suburban communities.

Speaking as Deputy Chair of the National Growth Areas Alliance, which is behind the campaign,
City of Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts said residents in high-growth areas still had to endure
congested roads, poor public transport and inadequate access to health facilities, each and every day.

“While the NGAA is pleased to see an interest in ‘30-minute cities’ at the federal level, at present, our communities are more like ‘90-minute cities’,” Mayor Roberts said.

“A national dedicated infrastructure fund would address the infrastructure backlog in fast-growing outer suburbs and future-proof them, as they continue to grow.

“This would lead to a reduced cost of living, less stress and a better quality of life for our residents.”

Mayor Roberts thanked all local residents and businesses who had supported the campaign so far, and said Fund Our Future was planning to double its efforts in the lead-up to the federal election on 2 July, to ensure the fund becomes a reality.

“Now is the time to encourage your friends, family and colleagues to sign the petition at
www.fundourfuture.info,” Mayor Roberts said.

Five million Australians currently live in the fast-growing suburbs on the outskirts of Australia’s capital cities and independent analysis has found they already lack access to adequate infrastructure. By 2031, the number calling these areas home will have swelled by half again to 7.5 million people.

The research, conducted by SGS Economics and Planning, found $5 billion would be needed each
year over the next 15 years to catch up and then keep up with the infrastructure needs in these areas.

The City of Wanneroo has been promoting the need for key infrastructure in the City of Wanneroo, including expanding the northern suburban rail from Butler to Yanchep; extending the Mitchell Freeway further than Hester Avenue to Romeo Road; and continuing the dual carriageway of Wanneroo Road - which could become a reality with the establishment of a fund for outer suburbs.

Residents and those working in fast-growing outer suburbs are encouraged to take part in the
Fund our Future campaign by signing and sharing the petition at www.fundourfuture.info.

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