; City of Wanneroo supports Aboriginal students to take part in Jamie Oliver’s Ministry of Food Mobile Kitchen - City of Wanneroo

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City of Wanneroo supports Aboriginal students to take part in Jamie Oliver’s Ministry of Food Mobile Kitchen

Published Thursday, 26th May 2016

Students from Girrawheen Senior High School’s Clontarf Academy will be some of the first in the state to take part in Jamie’s Ministry of Food cooking classes.

Healthy food preparation
In a three year partnership with Edith Cowan University, the innovative, community based cooking program has had its first classes in Western Australia teaching Jamie’s hints, tips and basic home cooking skill shortcuts.
City of Wanneroo Mayor Tracey Roberts said the partnership had been inspired by the City’s Reconciliation Action Plan and its intension of identifying, encouraging and celebrating young Aboriginal leaders in our community.
“Students will learn about nutrition through hands-on cooking classes that demonstrate how easy and budget friendly it can be to make simple meals,” Mayor Roberts said.
“Knowing how to cook nutritious meals from scratch can have a fantastic effect on long-term eating habits and maintaining health and well-being,” she said.
Jamie Oliver considers the Ministry of Food to be the most important campaign he has ever worked on. The campaign is a practical solution to the problems of obesity and diet-related disease and a successful response to the lack of basic food skills in the population.

“I’m so excited for my Ministry of Food Mobile Kitchen to be able to reach all you lovely people in Western Australia,” Jamie Oliver said.
“Ever since we opened in Australia the goal has been to reach Aussies in every state and I know people are going to love learning how to cook with all that great fresh Australian produce.”
Jamie’s Ministry of Food kitchen classroom will operate from Edith Cowan University in Joondalup, followed by the Bunbury campus in July. Clontarf Academy students will attend classes every Monday morning for seven weeks from 23 May – 27 June from 9.30 – 11am.

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