; City moves one step closer to active lifestyle program - City of Wanneroo

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City moves one step closer to active lifestyle program

Published Friday, 20th March 2015

The innovative Your Move program was officially launched in the City of Wanneroo on Thursday 5 March.

Your Move logo

Mayor Tracey Roberts said Your Move is a free service that provides highly personalised information and support to motivate residents to enjoy more active and connected lifestyles.

“I am excited and pleased that the City is able to offer the program to over 57,000 City of Wanneroo households effective from April to December.”

Targeting suburbs which contain the majority of the City’s residents, random selection will then intensively engage 10,500 households with a combination of motivational phone coaching and information.

"The project provides a wonderful opportunity for our residents and we are extremely grateful for the Departments' support as we would not be able to deliver such a large-scale program, like Your Move, without their resources.

Your Move Wanneroo is funded by the Departments of Transport and Sport and Recreation. The City of Wanneroo is also providing funding and the project is supported by RAC with assistance from HBF, Public Transport Authority, North Metro Health Service, Heart Foundation, Diabetes WA and Nature Play.

For more information and updates, visit the City website or Facebook page.

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