; Subdivision Clearance - Subdivisions - City of Wanneroo

Rates information 2024/25

Rates notices for 2024/25 will be issued in late August. More information



Subdivision Clearance

What is a Subdivision Clearance?

The approval of a subdivision application will usually be subject to conditions that are required to be met (or cleared) prior to lodging the plan for final approval from the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) and applying for new titles.

Before the expiry of a subdivision approval, the applicant is required to contact the agency/authority (eg. Local Government, Water Commission, Main Roads etc) noted in brackets at the end of each condition on the WAPC approval letter, to clear the relevant conditions. This authority then provides written advice confirming that the WAPC's requirements outlined in the condition/s have been fulfilled. 

A subdivision clearance application should only be lodged once all work has been completed to meet the conditions of subdivision approval. Applicants should also ensure that applications for clearance are lodged well in advance of the expiry date included on their WAPC Subdivision Approval.

How do I apply for a Subdivision Clearance?

Where Local Government conditions are to be cleared by the City of Wanneroo, one copy of the following documents are required to be submitted:

  • Application for Subdivision Clearance Form and Checklist (this is completed at the time of applying online via the below link).
  • Diagram or plan of survey (Deposited/Survey Strata Plan)
  • WAPC Subdivision Approval
  • Any supporting information that may be required to demonstrate how each Local Government condition has been met
  • Staging Plan (if applicable) - Where a subdivision approval is proposed to be staged (e.g. residential estate), the deposited plans should be identified (e.g. highlighted) on the WAPC approved plan of subdivision and accompanied by a Staging Plan to assist in early consideration of deposited plans by the City and to demonstrate when and how approval conditions will be complied with

Plus payment of the Subdivision Clearance Application Fee, in accordance with Item 5 on the City's Planning Fee Schedule. Please note that fees are not payable for POS, drainage, common property or balance title lots. Cheques are to be made payable to the City of Wanneroo.

Lodgement Options

The City's preferred lodgement method is online, applications can be submitted via the below link:

Apply Online

Items that should be addressed before applying for a Subdivision Clearance 

Developer Contribution Fees
Where the subdivision approval contains a condition requiring the payment of developer contributions, please refer to the City's Developer Contribution Scheme Rates. Alternatively a tax invoice can be obtained from the City's Scheme Contributions team by emailing schemecontributionsenquiries@wanneroo.wa.gov.au.

Developer Contribution payments should be submitted prior to the lodgement of the Application for Subdivision Clearance.

Supervision Fee
The City's Supervision Fees are:
1.5% of all Road Works & Drainage.
15% of the total contract earthworks sum is to be included when calculating the value of the 1.5% Engineering Supervision Fee.

The City's Supervision Fees should be submitted prior to the lodgement of the Application for Subdivision Clearance.

Practical Completion Inspection
The applicant/ developer is required to contact the City's Land Development team to organise an onsite Practical Completion Inspection (PCI) prior to the lodgement of the Application for Subdivision Clearance unless a bond for outstanding works has been lodged and accepted by the Land Development team. A copy of the PCI report will be forwarded to the developer/ engineer.

Bonding of Subdivisional Works
All bond requests are to be submitted on the City's Subdivision Bond Application with an original signature.

The bonding of subdivision works should be submitted to the City, prior to the lodgement of the Application for Subdivision Clearance.

The City will not accept the bonding of any subdivisional works (including battleaxe legs, retaining walls, revegetation, fencing, etc) on privately owned land.

Geotechnical Reports
Geotechnical Reports should be prepared and certified by a suitably qualified professional and submitted to the City's Land Development team, prior to the lodgement of the Application for Subdivision Clearance.

Legal Agreements

Should your subdivision approval contain a condition that requires execution of a legal document (such as an Easement, Caveat, Restrictive Covenant, Deed of Agreement or Section 70A Notification) this should be submitted to the City prior to lodging for clearance. Please include a copy of the proposed Deposited/Survey Strata Plan in the supplied documentation.

Sewage Treatment Systems
For the City to clear conditions relating to sewage treatment systems, being either decommissioning or remaining in situ, the applicant should first determine whether an on-site sewage treatment system was installed at the location and if so, what it was composed of and where it was located.

If City records show that at no stage has an on-site sewage treatment system been installed at the location then a statement to that effect should be supplied with the Application for Subdivision Clearance. However the applicant should ensure that the site does not contain any un-approved systems that would not be on City records and detail this in the documentation provided.

If records shown an on-site sewage treatment system was installed the City needs records to show the system has either been decommissioned or adequate setbacks are met. 

If the system is to remain, then a scale plan (1:100) showing the exact location and components of the existing system and any boundaries or structures associated with the subdivision should be submitted. For information on setback requirements please contact the City's Environmental Health team on 9405 5000.

If the system is still in situ and is to be decommissioned then a Certificate of Decommissioning should be completed and submitted prior to the lodgement of the Application of Subdivision Clearance.  

If records show an on-site sewage treatment system has been installed but has already been decommissioned without a Certificate of Registration being forwarded to the City at the time, then a Statutory Declaration detailing all efforts have been made to locate the system has shown the system is no longer in situ should be provided as part of the Application for Subdivision Clearance.


Should you wish to enquire further about the Application for Subdivision Clearance process, please contact the City's Approval Services team (Planning) on 9405 5000. 

Subdivision clearance documents