; Residential Recoding - City of Wanneroo

Residential Recoding

Some areas in the City of Wanneroo have been identified for potential future recoding from low density housing to medium density housing to provide a range of housing types for our residents. The recoding may provide residential development opportunities in the future.

Update May 2016

The City is progressing residential recoding through two amendments to the City’s District Planning Scheme No. 2 (DPS 2):

Each of the projects is at a different stage. For further information on each of the amendments please click on the links above. General frequently asked questions on housing density are outlined below.

What are the plans?

The Local Housing Strategy, adopted by Council in November 2005 is an overarching strategy that aims to ensure future housing needs within the City of Wanneroo are met. The strategy emphasises the need to redevelop some suburbs to provide an improved quality of housing and an increased range of housing types to suit different people.

The Local Planning Policy 3.1: Local Housing Strategy Implementation shows the extent of housing precincts for recoding in Wanneroo, Girrawheen-Koondoola, Quinns Rocks, Yanchep and Two Rocks (A and B). The policy was adopted at the 6 April 2010 Council Meeting and then amended at the 5 April 2011 Council Meeting.

What is the housing density and R-Coding?

Housing density refers to the number of houses or dwellings per block of land. In Western Australia, the Western Australian Planning Commission's (WAPC) Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) website provide a guide to the maximum number of dwellings for different lot sizes.

Below is a summary on lot size requirements for residential land coded R-20, R-40 and R-60


  • Lot size 450-899m² = 1 potential dwelling
  • Lot size 900-1349m² = 2 potential dwellings
  • 1350m² and over = 3 or more potential dwellings


  • Lot size 220-439m² = 1 potential dwelling
  • Lot size 440-659m² = 2 potential dwellings
  • Lot size 660-879m² = 3 potential dwellings
  • Lot size 880-1,099m² = 4 potential dwellings
  • 1,100m² and over = 5 or more potential dwellings


  • Lot size 150-299m² = 1 potential dwelling
  • Lot size 300-449m² = 2 potential dwellings
  • Lot size 450-599m² = 3 potential dwellings
  • Lot size 600-749m² = 4 potential dwellings
  • 750m² and over = 5 or more potential dwellings

Note: The development potential of each individual property is influenced by a number of factors, including dwelling layout, subdivision layout and approval by the WAPC.

How can I tell if my property has been identified for an increase in R-Coding by the Policy?

LPP 3.1 includes maps that identify the properties proposed for increases in R-Coding. Refer to the link below to view these maps.

R-Code Housing Precinct maps

When will I be able to develop my property using the proposed new R-Codes?

Properties can only be developed using the proposed new R-Codes when a District Planning Scheme Amendment for a housing precinct is approved by the WAPC and the Minister for Planning, and then published in the Government Gazette. Until then, subdivision and development has to comply with existing R-Codes and other standards and requirements as set out in the City's District Planning Scheme No.2 (the Scheme). In the case of Wanneroo and Girrawheen/Koondoola, the majority of the existing lots have a residential code of R20.

Is it certain that the R-Code of my property will be changed?

No. The proposed changes will depend on approvals being given by Council, WAPC and ultimately the Minister for Planning.

Do I have to develop or subdivide my lot once it is recoded?

No. The recoding of land does not mean that you must subdivide or develop. It simply provides the opportunity and flexibility for you to do so.

Will my Council rates be affected by an increase in R-Coding?

If there is a dwelling already existing on your property then your Gross Rental Valuation will not change. If your property is vacant then your Gross Unimproved Valuation will increase. This increase will most likely lead to an increase in your yearly rates.

What will happen if the Minister for Planning approved the changes to the residential codes?

If the Minister for Planning approves the proposed changes they will be published in the Government Gazette. Once published, those people that want to develop will be able to submit subdivision, development and/or building applications at the higher R Code which comply with the new scheme provisions.